2A Tuesdays ( a Looping Thread)

Throwing the AllYoYo 720s today. Don’t tell me other loopers but I think they’re my favorites.


I’ll be joining in for the 100 loop Tuesday with you guys tomorrow. Got my loop 720s ready to go.



Im looking into my first pair of dedicated loopers.

Would yall recommend loop720s, sochi loop spinner, or duncan hornet? Is one actually better for beginners or is it all just personal preference?


All three are highly capable out of the box. I’d go 720 as a starter because they are very low maintenance but they have a variety of easily purchasable alternate setups if you want to play with setup as you get more experienced.


Out of the three the loop spinner is my go to.
Duncan hornet is #2


I’ve only been doing looping for 2 weeks and I can confirm the 720s are good to go straight out of the box. They are consistent with their responsiveness but still easy to sleep if you need it.

Being good to go with no other setup allows you to try out string lengths to find what works.


Tuning question. Does anyone remove the bearing shields on their looper bearings? I’ve thought about trying grease. Is there any specific reason not to remove the shields on loopers? I’m trying to tune my Loop Spinners and Hornets to be more responsive. I’m using Sochi Loop String.

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I’ve removed the shields for cleaning but not on all my loopers. Eventually they will all have the shields removed cause I can’t be bothered to put them back in. Idk about grease I feel that would drop the spin closer to a transaxle which wouldn’t be bad would probably feel great but would be different.,

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I’ll experiment with some different string and spacers first, but I’ll eventually play with grease. So far I can’t seem to get the snappiness I prefer. I’ll report back!

I would mess with the gap IE spacers and washers and then the string and do lube but grease would be my last resort. However if it works it works I won’t fault your preference

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I never deshield looper bearings and grease them with the shields on. I have 2 types of thick lube, brain lube and silicon grease. The brain lube is thin enough that it seeps right around the shield. The grease works in more gradually but also produces good results. I don’t use more than a few drops per bearing.


Removing the caps from my FH1 finally enabled me to retire the yellow Hornet caps that I’m not a fan of. I might try and wipe the printing off both sides for that clean white look.


Late 2a Tuesday:

I’ve been too tired to practice much lately.


I swapped my setup on the blitz balls and now I’m happier with them. I was playing one black and one gold spacer, the second narrowest setup with only spacers, and swapped to one purple and one gold, the second widest with only spacers. They feel much better.

I’m getting tired of the Hornets’ nonsense. When I have them dialed in they’re great but I feel like they never reassemble the same way twice. I’m going to try putting the second shim back in to see if it helps.


Absolutely loving my Mai Kirisaki inspired Loop Ups made possible by the amazing artwork of Takashi Hashiguchi. I bought these thinking they would come as sets but they ended up only being 1 of each type… so naturally decided to half swap them and i’m totally digging the colors.

They play amazing and I haven’t even adjusted them yet, just a quick bearing clean and lube and they feel perfect. I think i’ve found my new comp yo-yo if I ever get a chance to compete again!


2a+3a ≠ 5a


5a is where you use a looper as a counter weight right?

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I believe that is 7a

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