2A Tuesdays ( a Looping Thread)

Also this:


I would start with changing every other day and adjust. Youā€™re going to feel the differences between old and new string pretty quickly.

Obligatory looping yo-yo setup vid:


29ā€ is a good starting length if you want to focus on looping exclusively.

Edit: you were in the other thread asking about Duncans and ordered yourself an FH1, right? Once it arrives, it probably makes sense to make that a dedicated 1A throw and let the Hornet be a dedicated looping throw. They are each sufficiently well suited to their task that it doesnā€™t make sense to use them otherwise while youā€™re starting out. If you want to learn 0A, go out and spend $5 to get yourself the finest Butterfly or Butterfly XT. You donā€™t need a specific throw for a particular style, but certain throws make certain things much easier, particularly while learning.


So for sleeping at the end it can be a maintenance issue or it can be a form issue.

For maintenance you would want to maybe increase response. You can do that, per the diagrams above, by either shortening string, using thicker string, making the gap smaller, or adding lube.

On your Hornet, you can make the gap smaller by removing the washers underneath the spacers. I personally just remove 1. Note that for the Hornet, if you want to get the spacer and washer out on the axle side you have to remove the axle first, which you can do with a vice grip. I wish someone had told me this before I tried :grimacing:

Once you have fresh strings and maybe have adjusted your gap (but also maybe not) then the sleeping is probably a form issue. The looping angle helps with this (1:00 on the right hand, 11:00 on the left hand), and you do need to have some motion back in your wrist to cause the yo-yo to respond (though itā€™s not as explosive as the part of the motion you use to throw back out).


Realized itā€™s looping day and got a couple of reps in before bed. Need to tune these up a bit or maybe Iā€™m rusty Iā€™ve neglected looping for a few weeks.

Either way while my individual loops were not great my 2 hand coordination is improving a bit. Enough that I can get reps if 3 in befire it all spins out of control.


Anybody do Trapeze with their loopers??


Occasionally especially if I have been switching styles between 0A and 2A a bunch I forget what Iā€™m doing


I started working on double trapeze stall by accident, and then realized and had to have a serious talk with myself about what the hell I was doing.


I love the broken hyperspace engine sound it makes when it lands. :rofl:

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I do it all the time. Its how most of what I do starts and its kind of muscle memory. The short string makes it easy.


Where did you pick up your Glow 720ā€™s - I have looked around, but havenā€™t found any. Thanks


I got them on the BST here. I donā€™t know if anywhere has them new, but the LED 720s are available direct on the manufacturerā€™s store if you just want something that looks cool in the dark.


So Iā€™ve been using P44 string on my something lp and the slim coarse textured string is excellent looping string. Seems to hold up pretty good after a few hours of looping this evening.



Glad it perfectly worked out of your LP! And yes the torsion last longer if its coarse type.

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nevermind, found them!

Throwing my red spacer 720s today. I tried to tune them more responsive to work on punching bags, but not feeling successful yet. I cut the string 2ā€ shorter (around 27ā€; I didnā€™t use a ruler) and used a fatter string (kitty normal vs. Sochi loop), and freshly lived the bearing. I might cut the string even shorter or go up to OT fat!


Thatā€™s crazy. I get nearly auto return with red spacers. I use Zipline Slushies on mine. Not sure how your strings compare to that thickness-wise but I feel like stepping up in string thickness would yield better results at this point than shortening what you have. Iā€™m far from an expert on looping but I have done a LOT of comparative experimentation and I feel like itā€™s certainly worth a try.

I mean a bunch of it is a skill issue too :sweat_smile:

A man could be the worlds most proficient person at hammering nails with a pair of pliersā€¦ā€¦ but give him a hammerā€¦.heā€™ll be even better. :grin:

Iā€™m not very good at looping only have inside loops down. Still need to learn outside loops. Does anyone do loops with a counterweight? I know its probaby not ideal but seems doable. Would that fall more under just doing a few in responsive 5a, but not something you would do if trying to do lots of loops?

Shirk responsibility. Grind 2A!