2A Tuesdays ( a Looping Thread)

Just arrived today. Been yo-yoing for a couple of months to build up some basic skills and check I enjoyed it but 2a is what originally drew me in so I couldn’t resist any longer.

Excited to start learning!!


Nice I like that swap.

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I’ve got the inner loop nailed but for some reason when I do the outer loop my Yoyo is coming back winding backwards; when it loops and returns the string is facing me and not away from me If that makes sense ;

Like when you typically loop it returns with the string facing the right way to wind back out but on every outer loop I do the string is coming back or returning backwards; I tried for hours to figure out what I’m doing wrong I can do the inner fine ; because it’s returning backwards I can only do one inner loop then I have to grab the yoyo and flip it around…. Does anyone know what I’m trying to describe ?

Playing my original Loop 720s today, the orange and green (the black came later and is part of a 4 way half swap with the highlighter yellow).

I’m working up to crossover by doing 4 beat loops with 3 inner and one outer. It’s going ok but I cannot put it together with both hands yet.


Yo I’m remotivated again after doing some maintenance and getting my loopers singing. Imma throw a whooooole lot of loops today! Happy Tuesday y’all!


An awesome 2A mail day for me today.

The case itself is awesome and going to hold my 4 pairs of 720s! I just can’t buy any more :grimacing:

Inside the case are a pairs apiece of Glow 720s, Something LPs, Initiators, and Blitz Balls! I’m pretty hyped! Thanks @TommyBwell for the sale!


Before sending it to you I did the same thing. Only 720’s in it and nothing but Duncans in my Duncan case. I’m excited for you. Looking forward to seeing them on 2a Tuesdays.


Nice mail day. Tommy is a stand up guy too. I have a set of something lp in that same color my favorite loopers right now. Those glow 720 are really neat too.


The glow ones feel heavier. Closer to my AllYoYo pair. But it’s probably all in my head :crazy_face:


I agree with you. I felt like were heavier too. They just played different.


You’d think that being glow in the dark would make them “light”er……:cricket::cricket::cricket:


I played maybe 5 minutes per pair but here’s a quick mini-review. All throws used Sochi Loop string unless otherwise noted and I haven’t lubed anything yet.

Loop 720 Glow

Set up with a red and a blue spacer. Very reminiscent of the AllYoYo 720s. They feel heavy but in a good way. Not sure if it’s all in my head, but the weight feels more rim weighted than other Loop 720s, and actually winds up feeling a touch like my Hornets.

C3 Initiators

These things are so my aesthetic that I’m def going to play them a lot. I wasn’t a hacker in the 90s, but I sure wanted to be. On advice from folks on Discord I set these up with Kitty Normal and I’ve got to say they play pretty nice. The gap appears enormous but it’s all ok.

Something LP

These feel the strangest to me. I’m not sure if I like it yet. I think they’re just the most different from all the other loopers I own. They feel very large in spite of being not really that much larger.

Blitz Balls

I just don’t think I’ve found the right spacer combo for me yet. So far they are too grabby. I have Sochi loopers and I like those better so far which gives me confidence that I should be able to find a better spacer combo.


day 6 brand new; question ive asked before but didnt understand maybe more clarity;

Sometimes when i forward pass to prepare for an inner or outer loop the yoyo will sleep during the pass and sometimes when i do mulitple loops a loop will sleep ; The most loops ive done is 3 in a row; ive been using the same string for 12 hours now my new strings come in about 2 hours maybe its the string?

Thank you sorry if this has been discussed before


Yeah sounds like the string is dying. I notice I have to throw much harder when the string dies or it doesn’t return the way I like. 2a eats up strings just a warning.


how often do i need to change strings if im practicing 1 hour a day? i just ordered 100 kitty strings they should be here in about an hour; still using regular stock cotton duncan string lol its sleeping on my breakaways also…

I heard for looping i want the string shorter but im also practicing 0a,1a,2a all at once is the string to belly button a good rule of thumb?

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Tbh I’m still trying to figure this out myself and I’ve heard lots of different opinions on it. I’m trying to focus on when they start to play in a negative way and using that as an indicator that it is time to change strings. Seems like around 2 hrs of throwing loops for me and my string will be toast. This also matters more for 2 hand looping bc you need more consistency between the pair but just with 1 hand you can kind of compensate.

Belly buttonish is good for now as you learn the basics and should be good to learn a lot of the beginner string tricks but yeah looping is generally shorter and you will want to go shorter if you decide to commit your hornet to just looping.

Swap the string when it feels like it’s not playing properly if it looks really dingy or if it’s fraying. Bill string wears out quick boutique string you can wash and get more use out of but for looping bulk is better.

Length there’s a chart somewhere but length determines if your loops trend up or downward .

Yeah. That Kitty string is going to play so different. I think you’re in for a treat. :grin:


Yes. Where is that thing?? That’s some good info right there.