2A Tuesdays ( a Looping Thread)

Up to 3 inside loops ant two outside. Just started though.


On the road but I remembered to bring my Raiders for some 2A today


Happy Tuesday! Loops 720s today.

I have a few equipment questions:

  1. Any tips for tying the strings the same length? I feel like I measure the length together, then have to tie individually, and am incapable of getting the same length.
  2. How long do you tie the strings? I shoot for belt height but I’m thinking I should go shorter (I am a bit tall).
  3. One of my Loop 720s responds just a little slower than the other. They have the same color spacers and same string. Any tips for fine tuning? I’m planning to clean the bearings and see if it helps.

I use this little jig with a Meter Stick.

With this method I can get them at 76cm every time

Probably just need to add some lube. I also add dabs of thick directly to the axle and spacers.


Thanks for the advice. I’m going to try it all out.

76cm is way shorter than my strings. I’m at more like 96cm!

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You should experiment going shorter, even Loop Lite is only 85 cm before a loop is tied. Shu Takada is around 77cm in his tutorials


Just got a pair of these, really like them and the sunrise.


Just hopped up my Raiders with the Sunrise Spacers and B size bearing kit. For those who don’t know, Loop 720 spacers and bearings work in Yomega Raiders. Never had the chance to play YoYoJam Sunset Trajectories but this modd feels like a full Loop, Yomega, YoYoJam and YoYoFactory all coming together as one @yyfben2.deactivated . Strings are YYF bulk cottons cut to 76cm but they are now closer to 82cm after some play. A rather smooth set up.


I was practicing some 2a on the subway… planet hops ( no loops so i don’t scare anyone)… and a guy just comes up to me as he exists and says " wow you just took me back to my childhood, I was Harlem champ in 1963!, Thank you…" and he got off the subway before i could have a chat with him. I always like throwing in public because most the time you meet people in a positive way.


With a bad wolf slimm, great string. Love when it hits me square on the finger tip, like a yo-yo not so funny bone.


It’s TuesdAAy! Right? I mean left, so let’s stay with right.


This Shu 720 Promo vid was in my YouTube feed today, it is Tuesday by the way…


He is worthy of the World Class Title.


Yesterday I was working on the trick punching bags with one yoyo and I managed to do throw three clean punches in a row! Now a day later my biceps hurts a little from the pulling motion that I did when learning this trick.


I’m trying to learn love machine, my first wrap trick. It is so difficult to have the yoyo wrap around my non dominant hands wrist while I’m also looping with my non dominant hand. I hope I can learn this trick this year.

Do you lube your bearings? Thick lube, thin lube or no lube?

I just run my bearings dry. Dry bearings give me the best and most consistent result. When the response feels off I just replace the strings and sometimes I clean the bearings too.


Happy Tuesday! Loop 720s this morning.

I saw Shu Takada rocking this half swap for one hand on Americas Got Talent and thought it looked pretty awesome.

Is it worth trying out other loopers? It seems like many are Loop 720s with a single tweak here and there.


My loop 720 pair looks exactly like yours! I did the same half swap.


Need me a lime green!