2A recommendations?

So as the title mentions I’m looking for a new set of loopers. I currently have 2 yotricks oracles and 1 Duncan hornet so I’m looking to expand my 2A collection and hopefully get some more loopers. I already know how to loop quite well so I’m looking for a 2A throw that plays fast but still has control and loops consistently.

My options are:

(1) Yoyofactory loop 720

(2) Sochi loop spinner

(3) C3 yoyodesign initiator

I appreciate any recommendations and thoughts from everyone, thanks again :grin:

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I only have the Loop 720s and they are awesome. Highly recommend.

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Yeah the loop 720s we’re the ones that I was looking into the most. Especially the John ando edition !!!

I would just buy whatever I think looks best

Agreed. If I was buying again I’d probably get the clears with silver and gold foil :grin:

I’m not great at looping, but can do probably 15-20 on a good throw. My experience is that the Sochi, Loop 720 and Initiators (or the Oracles for that matter) aren’t different enough at my level to make a noticeable difference in my ability to loop (in case anyone thinks that changing your yoyo will make a huge difference in the beginning). I mean, I guess it could, but that hasn’t been the case for me.