2020 String Fling!

Heeeeey! Great to hear from you :sunglasses::frog::sunglasses::crocodile::sunglasses:

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I have someone managed to not look at this thread once before today. Don’t think i even noticed it before.

But I feel like I just binge watched the first several seasons of a riveting drama, can’t wait to see how it turns out.

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Life get’s hectic sometimes man, no one is going to hate you over a few strings. If you would rather send all the strings to me I can divide them up and ship them out to individuals. We have plenty of shipping resources here so it wouldn’t be a problem. I don’t mind covering the shipping cost either if that makes it easier. Happy to help out, just let me know.


LOL I was just out to check in but I guess no one got there packs


Nope. Made the same offer Garrett did back in July, so I hope it still happens! No hate here, just don’t want to miss out on everyone’s strings!


Well y’all want to try this again ? Or should we continue to wait I mean if they do get sent out that’s wicked but how long do we wait


I’m in!:+1:

More than willing to get spinning new string. Still hoping for the best.



I’d be down to make some more, heaven knows I could really use the practice :smiley:
Still though, some people made way more than 20 strings, and I wouldn’t want to pressure them into doing that all over again… idk
I’m with @Mystik , still hoping for the best!


Yep. I made 3 sets of 20. I may not produce quite the same quantity.

But I might anyway.


Yeah I made 80 I think ?:sweat_smile: But I guess we can wait a few more weeks see what happens and then start a list for anyone interested


I made 5 sets of 20, trying to make them all different in various ways and then 14 more random strings for Avvatar to add one each per participant pack as he wanted.

I’m down to make more, but will have to buy more thread and rebuild the rig or just make a new one.


I can’t be bothered to read 492 posts to catch up on what all happened with last year’s, but I’d be down if this happens again. Am I understanding correctly the idea was to each make 1 string for each other participant, then ship it all out so everyone can try everyone else’s strings?


That’s about the size of it. We topped out participants at 20(less I think). We each made at least 1 full set of 20 to contribute. Some made multiple sets , threw in stickers, knot pickers, etc.


Cool! Well if it happens again count me in. Tbh, I haven’t tried many strings besides my own. When I first started yoyoing I got spoiled on Lifeline Strings (he gave me my first yoyo and a some strings to get started) and since he closed I have only really tried some strings that came with yoyos when I bought them, and a few people have given me to try. So I’m definitely down to share mine and try some others!


:wink:everybody loves their own brand. It’s like a fart.:+1:

Butt seriously, it’s a great way to learn different nuances of the craft.

More than 1 way to skin a cat.


Awesome to have your interest been following your page for a bit now nice looking stuff :ok_hand:


Thanks! I don’t think I posted about it here on the forum, but on Instagram I’m doing a giveaway for Domestic Violence Awareness Month and long story short I’m giving anyone who asks a free string to enter the giveaway, so if you want I’d be happy to send you a string to try out.


A few professional string makers contributed too!
G-strings sent in a bunch! YoYoStringLab did a custom colorway just for us! Arlequinlover sent theirs from overseas!

Someone’s got a lot of strings. Wonder what’s going to happen to them? :crazy_face:

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Oh yeah docpop and markmont sent some also :thinking: