2019 US National YoYo Contest Coverage Thread - Philadelphia, PA

Yeah, I suppose more people need to vocal to the event organizers that streaming the events is very important to them. From what I can gather their main priority and their back up plan was just making sure they recorded everything for youtube after. Going by the quality of the stream, it really didn’t feel like they were set up for it.

Personally for me, I would like to see them partner up with Twitch or maybe have a sponsored thing with them or a team that does professional live streams. Maybe even change it up, Put Steve Brown and Andre behind a desk and have them do like a pre-show. Perhaps have them commentate in between routines. There are a ton of big personalities in the scene that could do it.

Anyway I lost my train of thought, and I’m excited for EVO.

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1A Final Results

1st Place - Gentry Stein
2nd Place - Connor Seals
3rd Place - Chandler Steele


yes pls do a twitch stream. Twitch also has live chat and all sorts of fun features to make it even better.

I was right about 1st and 2nd! And my dark horse was Luke who got 4th

I also was thinkin Chandler was gonna get top 5 and people were overestimating Nate Dailey.

Kieran didn’t do as well as I expected though


Congratulations to Gentry Stein, 1A Champion!


Big gap between 1st and 2nd place. Congrats to Gentry. You can tell he has worked very hard. I wonder what would have happened if Evan has joined the 1A division.


Wait, didn’t Nate Dailey just got a new signature yoyo from YYF (Bind I think)?


Super surprised Kieran fell to 8th! I thought for sure he’d be top 3.

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1A Winners:

2A Winners:

3A Winners

4A Winners

5A Winners


So the contest organizer is technically the National YoYo League. A few of us work with them but the main organizers are Thad & Bob from the National YoYo Museum in Chico, CA.

Thad had purchased a pretty cool live streaming device which was working amazingly well in all of his tests. He was at the venue the day before to setup and test everything out and was streaming and it was working great. However on contest day the Wifi in the building seemed to just seize up and he didn’t really have a backup plan ready to go - he kept kind of thinking it would work (and it worked better on prelim day versus finals). Definitely frustrating and he was not happy - he really tried to figure something out as he had brought his own router for a dedicated wifi between the devices but the venue did not have ethernet available for the theatre space we were in.

Unfortunately moving venues every year comes with this kind of a complication and think there is still a learning curve.

Honestly no real excuse - its a total bummer!


The third place 2A winner looked really unhappy about placing 3rd. Feels like there’s a story there…


Guys. COME ON. We’ve talked about how the Asians dominate the 2a division at worlds by an insane margin.

But can we talk about how the 2a podium at the UNITED STATES nationals is… ALSO ALL ASIANS?

Super hype Tyler won though, I’m ready to see that freestyle. Too bad the other Tyler didn’t win too


Maybe all the people in attendance were on the WiFi clogging it up? Or was it a private WiFi?

Bimetal styling for the WIN!

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Yeah - it was private wifi… It didn’t make a lot of sense - but I was too busy to understand it completely myself! :zipper_mouth_face:


Hi Genki

Did Gentry use the Wide Angle

His performance was great


I’ve said this in another post but I think 2A is more popular among Asians for cultural reasons.

What I mean is that the Japanese in particular believe in the possibility of perfection, whether it is with gardens or the tea ceremony or with the movements in archery or calligraphy etc they strive to do even a simple thing perfectly.

And that’s why I think they are drawn more to looping because essentially what you are doing is practicing the same trick over and over and over until you perfect it.


Gentry’s Winning Routine!


Ok that was pretty :fire: ngl

Probably my favorite freestyle from him

