2015 National Yoyo Contest

YoYoExpert and Kyos Toys will be vending at both Prelims & Finals. CLYW, Recess, and Duncan will be vending at Finals only.

Vendors will be setting up the moment the Finals venue opens, and will run through the event…you’ll have a couple of hours before freestyles for shopping, and some time during intermission.

Thanks for the update Steve. Hopefully I can make it before CLYW sells out of stuff.

Anyone gonna be at the westin tomorrow??

Cant wait to meet you all!!

Do you mean Friday?

So… I don’t suppose anyone here has any leftover floor space for rent on Friday and Saturday? I would rather avoid staying at a hostel if at all possible

I mean today. Thursday

I’m guessing you arrived early then?

ERICBELL (username) is still looking for someone to help share the cost of his room. Contact him!!! He has a room for 2 days. YOU OWE ME ERIC!!! (at least some string)


Yeah… im pumped.