2013 YYE card winners!!!

Exactly what happened. I went on the General Yo page and was pleasantly surprised when I saw the KLR, which normally was sold out. I checked and there was one Blue/Silver Comp grade left. I snatched it up quick because I had wanted one for sometime. It should get here tomorrow. :smiley:

Got four packs, nothing. Got two of Andre…

Got one pack no win. But im still happy I have two signed cards one of andre and one of steve brown

Gosh this seems 1 in a million I wonder who got the prizes? I hope to get some when I get my severe.

I got my Avalanche with four packs; no winners. I did get the card " spirit bomb". It looks cool.

You’re sooo lucky! One pack and 2 signed cards already!

By the way, I just checked the info on the 2013 trading cards and prizes and it said this (which got me pretty confused):

The YoYoExpert Winter Giveaway continues while supplies last through the Spring of 2013 so everytime you order through the spring of 2013 you have the chance to win!

Does this mean YYE starts giving prize cards away during Spring?

How do you get sighed cards?

You make the cards exasperated or frustrated.


I mean signed

No it means that it will go till spring.

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You get a card, then you get it signed when you meet the person in real life, such as at a contest.

Modman is correct. You are able to win anytime from now until they run out of cards and all the prizes have been won, which will be in spring.

Got 5 packs, nothing

No one has won?

4 packs with my new Avalanche, nuthin’.

Same here. I’ve opened like 4 packs since Christmas and got nothing.

I’ve opened at least 8 or 9 but didn’t get anything

I will trade you for a Zach’s if you don’t mind.

6 packs and narthin’ yet.

Zach’s mine,oh wait…you can have that one…

If anyone gets a Gstellar card… I would trade sooo much…