2013 YYE card winners!!!

arctic circle.

I got four packs. Nothing, but I did get both a gentry Stein, tyler Severance, and a Zach Gormley Card!

What is the card contest?! I have like 10 packs and I don’t know what to look for

No body has won yet!?

Ok, well you know the Yoyoexpert trading card give away? Well has anyone won anything from it yet? Just wondering.

you might find out here


I got 2 packs with my Dark Magic II. No wins:( I got Palli 2x, Shaqler 2x, Drew Tetz, and Paul Yath.

you would have found a card in your pack that said you won this

You probably ordered it before the promotion started.

Two packs otw… by the looks of it the chances arent too high…

Another 4 packs are coming with my Avalanche. Hoping my luck improves.

I got 5 packs. no luck, but no duplicates either.

Just got a Cheif and a Capless I hope I win :slight_smile:

Ordered lots of Kitty string and Thin lube. And good luck to all who are trying to win:)

Waiting for four packs. I WANT TO WIN(who doesn’t?).

Only two packs… but hey, you never know. Besides, I didn’t order a yoyo to get cards, I ordered a yoyo for a yoyo.
P.S. I ordered a KLR

If any of you get a Zach Gormley or a Gentry Stein card, would any of you guys like to trade it for a signed(hopefully) Ben Conde card?

I think Mr. Yoyoguy got both of them…

You got big crushes on them or something? :wink:

Lol. :smiley:

No way. But if anyone gets a caribou Chris one, I want it.

Mr.Yoyoguy hasn’t been on in like…ever! How am I supposed to ask him?

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