201 unresponsive..?

I have a Velocity and a FAST 201. I was wondering, I like the weight and shape of the 201 but I HATE how responsive the 201 is. Is there a way without breaking the 201 (considering it is my wife’s) to make it unresponsive. I know you can pop the caps off the 201 but can you remove the starburst or something?

You can cut the starburst off with a pocket-knife after removing the caps.
But it has such a small gap, that it will still be responsive, but impossible to snap start.

Loosen the gap. Alot.

well I dont want to take a knife to it so I will try loosening the crap out of it…

is the 201 rim weighted? o.O

a.) unscrew it.
b.) replace the o-rings/bearing with guts from a duncan mosquito/bumble bee (med. spacers/cleanish bearing).
c.) pop the caps off with a thin screwdriver.
d.) pop out the pogs/weight rings (same tool).
e.) yank out the plastic inserts and TWIST off the little starburst nubs on both sides. no knife required.
f.) here’s the kicker. on ONE side, weave a single poly string in and out of the starburst holes. tie it off (inside the yo-yo) and cut it. the 4 segments of exposed string are a great low-response system.
g.) replace everything (unless you want to make your own pogs). caps can be tough to get back in, but they’ll go.

honestly, i love a stock 201 just as much, but if you want something you can easily do anything on, this is a great 5 minute mod.

that is BRILLIANT! half of an SOS system :smiley: man you rock. I wonder though, you thick slick 6 would work in place of poly?

Awesome tut ed! One thing. Are we susposed to leave the o-rings in? If i do, the string goes inbetween the spacer and bearing, and turns responsive. If i lave the o-rings out, its very responsive. I used poly 100% yoyexpert string. Please PM me back!


I dont have O-Rings in my FAST 201

welp it worked magnificently. It took a little adjusting but I HIGHLY recommend this mod to anyone who wants a cheap and easy unresponsive and well balanced plastic throw.

The O-rings are behind the spacers. I figured you might have noticed that after doing this mod.

I wouldnt call them O-Rings considering they are not part of the response system but I know now what you are calling O-Rings.