1A string ranking

hey y’all, has anyone created a list of yoyo strings sorted by thickness, durability, etc? I want to avoid the subjective categories like whip and feel. if no one’s made it yet, i’m always willing to make a list with some personal findings. if the ideas popular enough, y’all can always ship string to me for the findings. just an idea, willing to talk ab it!


If you think it’s would be fun to write about the strings you’ve tried and rank them for different categories, I say go for it!

The problem with trying to do an 100% object list is that it is simply not an objective thing. Strings are obnoxiously complex and there is a lot of nuance that is hard to talk about without bringing in subjective language. You can have two 100% poly strings with the same number of threads and they can look and perform totally different from each other in every way, even if they’re wound to a similar tightness. It’s just really complicated and kinda hard to talk about but I encourage you to still do so! I like hearing other people’s thoughts about different types of strings.


Took all this into account, i’ll make a thread soon about my plans

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Nice! I look forward to it! If you are super invested in truly reaching a deeper understanding of strings, you can get a 15$ microscope on amazon to analyze the threads. Hearing that was when I checked out of learning about strings lol


I would read that. It would have been useful before i bought snake bites and kitty’s and stringlabs. I say go for it.

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thanks! i already created the thread, it’s linked in my profile, feedback is appreciated!