1997 - 2012


That was a great vid, augie. Love watching you, keep it up, man!

What yoyo are you using?

always love seeing your vids man. they are so smooth and ur play style is unmatched! haha good stuff man!

This is one of the best videos out their. Nice job Augie! You are up their as one of my favorites. Love your flow.

Best video of the week! Let’s get this viral!

Wow you have really have slowed down your style

YYF Catalyst

I love your style so much Augie you’re the one that keeps me trying chops sticks… And loved the end too. xD

Can we get a tutorial of the very first trick? I don’t even think I understand the second half of it haha. Sick video Auggie.


Awesome video, one of my main inspirations ever since I started yoyoing. Amazing technical skills.

Best yoyoing video I’ve seen in a very long time.

Incredible flow and technicality, you’re such an inspiration.

Hopefully the “1997-2012” doesn’t refer to when you started yoyoing to when you stopped. :confused:

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thats why youre my fav pro!

dang that was so sick! i really liked that second trick combo. great stuff

so good!

I always stop and think of how much concentration your tricks must take!

How much for that Catalyst?

Why did he chuck the yoyo at the end? I cringed when I saw and heard it hit the ground :’(

Because he want to…
He is Augie. :smiley: