100$ budget only metal no preferences. Any suggestions

I’m actually posting this for my friend who doesn’t have and account. 100$ for a full metal throw. Suggestions?

Code 1.

Now make your friend go sign up for his own account.

I know he just wanted me to this once.

Full size, get a dang or a Burnside. If you prefer an undersized get a dietz. Code1 is nice but the dang and the Burnside are better imo. Nothing beats the dietz! Good luck :slight_smile:

Dark star, winning bird, yeah3, di base. Anything C3 :stuck_out_tongue:

no preference?
I would say a general butterfly shape for start, H shape, V shape or any modified shape can feel a little awkward if you not use to it.

An OD 54 maybe.

Yes, save him $40 and tell him to get a Di Base, they are incredible for the price.

If it were ME, I’d be tempted to pick up a Yeah3, or save some more and snag an Irony GBA.

I’m planning to get the DiBase. Should be good.

Too bad the friend is asking for full metal. Save money and geta Protostar or Northstar. While plastic, they play like a metal. If we want delrin, the C3 Halo comes to mind.

dv888 is a great budget metal. A bit “bland”, but still a great yoyo and not just for the money.

Burnside, Cafe Racer, Diets, Dang are all One Drops and all also hit at that budget, but so does the Code 1 and 54 and Markmont Next.

I guess the issue might be “does he want to SPEND $100, or does he have a budget of $100” as well as “has he budgeted for accessories like string, response pads, maybe lube, as well as shipping”. Not sure how “big picture” we are looking at here.

When I got my DM2 a while ago, I ordered 4 sets of YYJ silicone replacement pads, 100-count of string, YYJ thick and thin lube. Order came to I think around $76. The yoyo costs a little less then than it does now.

Also, you have to include shipping. So he really only has about 90$ to spend, give or take.

Definitely go with a C3 yoyo. The Yeah3 Looks AMAZING, The ILYY Torino is one of hte best ILYY yoyos around, Chico Heavy Hitter is simply amazing, on par with skywalkers and what not, One Drop Burnside, can’t go wrong with that