gyroscopic flop

What are some ways to get into the gyroscopic flop, beside whats on the video section with andre?

If you do a Mach 5 (Sidestyle works best) and pull your hands apart, the yoyo will flop.

thanks, that works nice.

Plastic Whip works too.

Wow there are so many:
Trapeze, curl in NTHF, pull
PLasic Whip, grab string closest to you, pull
Houdini Mount, Land into back triangle, pop up, pull
trapeze., pinch string, curl in THF like magic drop, whip, pop up, pull

thx guys for the replies, unfortunately, i cant do plastic whip yet or houdini mount.

Those are really easy tricks so you’ll be able to do Gyro Flop from those mounts in no time.

He has a good tut.
Also you can go into Houdini Mount, put the loop on your thumb into the gap, pop it out and pull.