Here’s my tutorial for reverese inverted brent stole. Filmed first-person point-of-view to make it easier to learn. If you have any comments, question, feedback, etc. just feel free to post. Thanks and hope you can use my tutorial to learn this trick!
Can you do a regular brent stole or hidemasa hook yet? If you can I’m sure you could learn this, because once you do, IMO it is easier to land consistently than other brent stole tricks. You just have to understand what is happening in midair to learn most whip tricks.
That’s a good question.
Yes, you can do one whip (intercepting the string before it completes a full revolution), but most of the time the string won’t have enough momentum to fold over, making it harder to land it. Try it and you’ll see what I mean.
Sorry to burst your bubble.^
I hate it when that happens, thinking that you just made up something really cool and seeing it executed by someone else later…
Thanks for watching though!
I came back to look for this thread, because I finally got around to trying to learn it only to find that it’s not that hard once you figure out whats goin on. This really helped me visualize what the string was doing, I can do it pretty consistently now, and it only took a few minutes to learn! (Dropbox - Error - Simplify your life pretend i didn’t miss the 2nd time)