Zune vs. iPod

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I thought the only good ones were Zune or Ipod. This sansa fuze looks good.

I’ve used my 4th gen iPod for two years. I believe buying it was the best choice ive ever made in my life. Itunes? I don’t really use it, I download stuff directly using WIFI, no mess no fuss.

Apple is just fast, other stuff is pretty slow and clunky. iPod all the way.

Oh ipod all the way. And if your talking about an iPod touch, there is so many reasons like iCloud or iTunes in general.

Though Zune Software has gotten much better (and I prefer it over iTunes), I still like the drag and drop method the best.

Sanza Fuze was better than both of them (when I had it) but then it broke down in about a year in a half. I liked the expandable memory…

I have owned both, and I must say that I like Zune waaay more. In my opinion, Zune has the best interface, it seems more sleek and cool, and it focuses on music rather than a bunch of petty apps. I feel like if Zune hadn’t started when Apple had already cornered the market that they would have been much much more popular.

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I’ve had a zune for about 4 years now. I would have recommended it over anything until recently. I got locked out of my account because zune changed every thing to windows live. i didn’t have a windows live account so my account was locked. I contact customer service which you can only do through chat or email. they tell me to go to the windows live forum and make a topic about my problem since it is with my account and windows live handles their accounts now. I post in their forum it takes about 2 weeks for someone to get back to me. Their solution was for me to delete my account and create a new one. The only problem with this is i cant get into my old account to delete it and i’m still being charged a monthly subscription.

O.o That is bad!


Yeahl, I’ve heard when you actually have to run into microsoft for help, it sucks… luckily i haven’t had that happen yet after having a zune for a year. My brother has had a zune 80 for 6+ years without a single problem, besides the fact that his hold button broke off :stuck_out_tongue:

aren’t iTunes files 4 times more compressed than any other music files?

if you want a good music sound, probably not the iPod