I noticed that “ zero “ wall a more obtuse angle v shape. I see it is tiny but It is relatively wide to diameter or is it a 1 to 1 ratio optical illusion, do the ratios and physics work the same or do change because the all around weight is different. Very interesting would like to see someone play it.
I want one also, it is too interesting at this point. Eagerly awaiting more information and a video.
The next picture I will be posting, although it will still be a teaser one, it will practically unveil the project. After that I will be posting all the specs and details.
I stand by all my previous predictions. A modular k-bone/begleri collab with AO2. Potentially with the odd option to put the beads together to make a yoyo?! Count me in.
Edit: I just hope it doesn’t push the limits of my wallet, lol
Ok i think i got it! I think its an EDC pack. Gonna come with mini yoyo and knucklebone (or whatever those things are) and a belgeri all together in a little pack and carrying case…