Zgrt: Introducing Qi - Available at YYE!

Gunmetal here.

The other colors are great, but I was sold on those those first images.


:thinking: don’t know… maybe all of them??? :laughing:

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thanks @hsb! love that solid colourway for the Qi.

Finally is arrived today and I spent around 6 hours with it, as written before in the various post in this thread, is the perfect yoyo for me, I was already sure from the pics and the specs and even more sure when I play it.
I will have to change “my favourite yoyo” because not gonna lie for my hand size and type of play this is the best yoyo I have ever tried:

Stable, light, speedy, perfect size and shape also for horizontal play, I went through all my combos perfectly and I felt immediately a big feeling with it.

Already out of the box it was amazing, I usually silicone my yoyo because I prefer it but those pads are just amazing, the bearing is great and quite silent as well, the whole yoyo is super smooth (and looks beautiful).

I really have to admit that I am super impressed, you create a real bomb!

I wish I had another one to bring around when I am out/travel that I can use as a beater, I don’t want to ding/destroy this one because is the only one I have and also is not in the European shops.

this is not an honeymoon period is a full marriage with kids!

The only negative point is the string that come with the yoyo, I didn’t even tried it cause I didn’t like the colour, I usually use only green and yellow fat strings but is not even a negative point is just a preference I have


@Albertino – I am literally speechless. Thanks so much for sharing your insights and for showing that love to the Qi. The way you described it resonates 100% with the vision we had when we were designing the Qi. :pray: :heart: