YYR Savage Vibe Fix Help

Hi to everyone
I get YYR Savage. It is amazing. I play with it for a few day, today I put in my pocket (I wear very small tight jeans so it was super squeezed in for 10min) when I run inside to use restroom.

I yoyo again and now it has quite some vibe. The yoyo never been ding or dropped, so no idea what happen. I assume it something dumb with the complicated ring being squish in my pocket against my leg bone or something. I do not know! It smooth, I go inside 5 minute, come back out and vibes.

I will ask my brother to design me 3d print file of a jig I can use to press the metal and plastic rim back into place, but I ask this:

do the metal press fit from the outside in, or the inside out. I hope this isn’t complicated I do not how to explain. Is the bi-metal part press from the outside cup side, or the inner gap side. Hope this makes sense.

Thanks, any tip for fixing YYR tri-material vibe i appreciate.

edit: turn out bearing post nuked itself when I unscrewed it. more information later in thread. thank you for help everyone

Sorry, it’s like a nervous tick posting this when someone mentions vibe.


Take it apart and step on each half on soft carpet. I did this with a Hypercut that came with a terrible pulse vibe and had success.

i have anxiety about the rim being press-fit the other way, so if/when I step on it it will actually ruin it more! so I want to be sure haha

I did this with a hybrid, it fixed a pulse vibe as well.

I don’t know which way your rims are installed tho. Sorry to hear this happened.

turns out the bearing seat sheared itself into scrap metal on one side one of the first time i take the yoyo apart. i guess i take it apart while was inside without realizing.
no vibe when slight unscrewed 1/10th turn, vibes when closed all the way
i love modern yoyos! everyone call me stupid when i say in my experience the seats are too tight

here i am with $180 self destructing yoyo lol. brand new i dont think i took it apart more than 3 time,

if anyone want it it’s yours for $80. vibe now, just pisses me off

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You might be able to tune it by playing around with the axle orientation.

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It’s most likely not the rims that were shifted out of place, instead it’s more likely to be damage to the bearing seat. Yo-yos are held together by an axle, with the bearing sandwiched between the halves. In order for the bearing to spin, it needs to be seated on a “spacer”. This spacer is fairly small, and any weight that is put onto the yo-yo, is put right on that spacer. In this case, the weight came from the compression from being put in your pocket. With aluminum being a pretty soft material, the inner race of the bearing seat will grind into the spacer, and cause the bearing to be seated unevenly, leading to vibe. I would try a bearing with a thicker inner race, such as a One Drop 10 ball, and see if that makes a difference.

Edit: No, this is not a manufacturing issue. Wide yo-yos are just not meant to be put into your pocket, especially if you wear tighter fitting pants. Aluminum is soft and it does not take much force to deform.

This kind of stuff is why I’m done with expensive yoyos. Literally no way this thing is more than three times better than your average 50 dollar yoyo and this kind of stuff happens? Ripoff.

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I think I’m on hour 3 of fiddling different bearings, axles, teflon tape

i try everything

i am good at tuning yoyo, have hundreds of yoyo from 2007-2012 i have tune many smooth with success (and without shreded bearing post). i think the seat/post is just problem now. its ok. i learn my lesson lol

thankyou yoyo spirit. i have tried 10ball, ds, Chinese kk, difeyo konkave, old clyw 8-ball flat, center trac. all of then lol. its okay. my autoscopy seat didn’t do this and still have nice anodized post. idk why this one suidice itself within first 2 day of me owning. i really am good at not ruining yoyo.

just mostly suck for me because I really like this yoyo haha. i will find another and be more careful

i think it happen when i unscrew it. because the whole post has the anodise strip off on one side and scoring you can see in image. this didnt happen to my liminal autoscopy. maybe just bad luck

i know this issue is with this half, because i mix and match halves with my smooth autoscopy, one half of savage dead smooth, other washing machine (one with scrap metal bearing post)

although @yoyospirit your suggestion would have been good for original scenario. after i find out/remember that bearing post shear itself when i take apart the yoyo - i doubt it had to do with pocket pressure. i have 10 year of yoyo being in pocket and i have never ruined aluminum with that. I am under 100lb girl with yoyo in stretch jean pocket, not 300lb man that sit on yoyo. i would have bruise long before 7075 aluminum yoyo seat get dent or deformity. i thought maybe pocket pressure could shift plastic ring - that why i originally bring it up.


Hi. Stupid question here: Is the vibe even that bad? Will it stop you from landing your tricks?

@Sven As someone who only collect older yoyo, i bought this to feel a $180 modern premium slippery smooth yoyo experience. if i want something fun that i really enjoy, i will use any of my other collection.

I don’t care about vibe unless i am pay premium price to get a smooth high performance yoyo. savage most redeeming quality is that it is crazy high performance yoyo. it’s not a yoyo with much character or soul. its $180 to have something smooth and expensive feel. it now vibe more than my 2011 plastic grind machine, so no. it is not enjoy to play with now. only thing i like was how premium and expensive it feel on string lol. that is just for me personal. many will disagree.

also, with such heavy stainless steel rim, the vibe is exasperated and can be really felt on string. it is just an annoying feel.
to illustrate, my project 1s and og 888s some have minimal vibe of yoyo, but none on string.

i am not mad or upset. i just learn to be careful with yyr bearing post. i will buy another savage, because when smooth feels very expensive and high tech. but to answer you short. no, tricks are fine. i just dont want to use a vibey bi-metal when i have 200+ other yoyo to use.

driving high performance lamborghini that need wheel allignment and vibrate when braking is annoying. that is how i explain this. sorry if i dont make sense. i am just having nice discussion now. not try to change any mind for anybody!

$180 ASMR machine now!


Thanks for your answer. I understand.

Then it’s probably not worth having it at all.
Can you return it?


Yeah after galling the post that’s about as smooth as it will probably ever be. Sorry that happened to you.

Not that it matters that much in the end, you’d be surprised how little it takes for the bearing to damage the bearing seat. From the picture of the bearing seat, I can see how one side of where the bearing sits is clearly worn in more, caused by uneven pressure. If you’d like, you can send it to me, and I’ll smooth out the surface on my lathe, if it doesn’t solve the vibe, I’ll send it back and won’t charge a dime. If it works, it’ll just be a $20 repair.


@kawaii.kaede Id take up this offer! I sent him my yoyo with a bent post(not damaged. Bent!) and he sent it back to me with hubstacks(removable) and the yoyo is smooth as can be! A pro.


I did something similar with a buddy from clubs YoYo’s but my experience and tools are way more limited and the YoYo still had some vibe in the end but was more than playable.

I imagine you could do magic with it

Wow thank you mr yo-yo spirit this is so kind of you

I can do that. I will arrange dm later for you when I am at the desk