YYJ O-Rings and Caps

I have a YYJ Mini Mo-Tu with 888 size K pads in it. Will 888 size pads also fit in a Lyn Fury? Also, related to the response, are all YYJ O-Rings the same size? In addition to this, is there an easier way to remove YYJ caps. I know this has been asked a million times. I used the search bar and found I could use a suction cup and duct tape. I have tried both for 30 minutes each. But to no avail. I am using a Nerf Dart suction cup. So can anyone help? Thanks. :wink:

Try using a more powerful suction cup, i used a suction cup from a window ornament and it worked great. I dont know if a nerf one has enough oomph to get it. All O-rings should be the same size. I should note however that the o-rings from my lyn fury did not fit my New Breed. As for the 888 pads in the Lyn fury, give it a try, what do you have to lose really?

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Yeah, Thank you. I think I am going to get the 888 size because I have the other 2 sizes. Also, do you know where I could get a more powerful suction cup? Thanks. :wink:

You could probably get a suction cup down at your local hardware store

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to get the caps off my journey i used suction cups made to hold christmas ornaments.
iā€™m sure your local home depot has something like these

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Well, thank you all. I now know what to do. Thanks. :wink: