YYF Undeniable DVD, is it worth it?

Hey guys, I’ve come to get your opinions. For those who have the Undeniable DVD, do you like it? Is it worth the $20? I’m kind of pulling myself apart to buy it or not and I need something to either convince me to get it or to tell me not to.

i like it imo its a pretty cool dvd

i have the undeniable edition and i have to say it is pretty cool really nice yoyo play. i got it from the undeniable edition genesis and if you have the money thats what i would do before there are no more as there were only 100 undeniable editions made

Well, the DVD is mostly just clips from older YYF videos, like the VK video, Revolution In Prauge, and a bunch of other previously released footage.

So no, I’d say it’s not worth the twenty dollars when you can just watch all those videos on Youtube and spend the twenty dollars on a new yoyo or something.


Paolo did a review on it. Really good apparently. He said it was mostly stuff he hadn’t seen.

Miguel Correa says:

Do you have it?

well i have it its a really cool video


I used to have the DVD before I sold it.
It was good, a bunch of the footage was stuff that you can find online, but there is some unseen footage also.


The footage is great, and the nice part about owning the DVD is that the shots and quality are top notch. The only downside to me is the music. I bet if they delayed the release they could have found better indie bands to have on there. I bought an Undeniable Genesis - it was a nice extra bonus to get…