YYF IQ still worth it in 2024?

I found an IQ on sale and am looking for a bimetal. I really want an Akita because I had an American Akita growing up.

Anyway, I’m thinking of getting an IQ until I can snag an Akita. Are they still top tier in 2024?



It’s a pretty great one I’ll be honest. Miracle is great as well

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IQ is often heralded as YYF’s best work and one of the best bimetals you can possibly buy for the price. It’s in my top 5 of all time and is probably a better choice than pretty much anything you could buy instead (including the Akita tbh lol)

Also just a heads up that CLYW is working on an updated Akita that will drop relatively soon if you want to hold off on getting the OG for a bit… don’t have a date for you or anything on that tho


The IQ is a good yoyo, a lot of people really love it (personally it’s nothing particularly special), but idk about the quality for the price. I have issues with the stock bearing and response and mine developed vibe from being unscrewed a few times. I think you’re way better off with a yoyo from other brands like C3 or Yoyofriends for example, if quality and finish is something that matters to you.


Unpopular opinion: the IQ is a super mediocre yoyo. Not bad (very balanced), but nothing to write home about, imo.

If you like the concept of the IQ (like I did when I decided to buy it), you should definitely check out the Edge 2022. Can elaborate if desired.


I’m a huge fan of mine with the caveat that I bought mine during the aMayZing sale, so the value was amazing

I’m sorry what? They are releasing a new Akita!?!?!

I think the IQ is a great yo-yo. If you are looking for a wider, high performance yo-yo at a great price; the IQ is hard to beat. Check BST for deals.


I’m super stoked. The Klondike is supposed to be better in every way, but the nostalgia of my pup is pulling on my heart strings.


Yes the iQ is still worth having in 2024! As @KorinaMcCarty always says, just pop in an NSK bearing in there and see it really light up! I’ve got a gold DS bearing in mine and I have not been able to put it down much since. Tbh I actually thought it wasn’t that great initially but have grown to really enjoy it. If anything it might be over shadowed by the new Shutter Elite(my guess).


The IQ is a good yoyo. Depending on the color and finish. I quite like it.

I think it’s a little overpriced though. But I do like it.

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I think it’s not like OG Peak or Canvas or Evil-yo or Mustang when it comes to price. You can buy it and try Yourself without any “major damage”. :wink: After all it’s ALL about personal preferences :wink: PS. I like mine.

I think the IQ is one of YYF’s best bimetals they’ve ever made. It’s a great all around performer and worth grabbing on sale. While it’s not my #1 choice for a bimetal yoyo, it’s the first one that comes to mind when I’m in the mood to throw one. I also have an Edge Beyond and Pragma from YYF, I like the IQ best.


The IQ is definitely worth it. Easily holds its own against newer stuff. And as Perry @skeevs said put an NSK concave or a DS and just helps smooth it out and improves play. Of course you may get a great bearing with it. They go on sale new often so maybe wait till they do. The Shutter Elite is one of the best performing yoyos ever and it has really fun feel, kinda of a light feeling during play for me. Also, I’ve been playing my IQ often lately


I have an iq and is probably the wbst yoyo in my collection, I’d say DEFNITLY get it, it DEFNITLY holds up against other yoyos till this day proven that other competitive players still use ut

I just saw a BUNCH of people compete with the IQ at worlds’ 2 weeks ago. I’d say it’s pretty up to date.

Also…it plays nice in my opinion.


IQ is one that still surprises me every time I pick it up. It’s totally worth it

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Like others have said, Iq is a great yoyo. Im a fan of the shape and its a great performer. Enjoy!

Since everyone still loves it so much, buy mine already :joy:

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IQ is good yes.