So, i just got my YYF Die-Nasty today. My axle was loose. Maybe just a defect. Anyways, even with the axle loose it still plays well. I would recommend this for a Intermediate player becoming advanced. Comes with a Center Trac Bearing if you didnt know. Has Silicone Pads and Spacers. The feel in your hand is just amazing. I have it in blue. That perticular shade of blue is amazing. I Have nothing to say really. Its just an awesome yoyo.
Price: $15-$20
Price: 9/10
Shape: 10/10
Spin Times: 9/10
Feel in Hand: 10/10
Inside of Yo-Yo: 7/10
Overall 8.95/10
I really recommend this yoyo for Intermediate Yo-Yo’ers. Beginners dont get this yoyo.
Dont let the price fool you. Its cheap, but really worth it. Trust me!