YYF Die-Nasty & Plastic Grind Machine

Hey guys ive been having problems with my die nasty and grind machine with the friction stickers. It’s weird im just yoyoing then all of a sudden the friction sticker just comes off. Does this happens to anybody elses yoyo or is it just mine. Any suggestions on how to fix it?

im guessing you mean silicone stickers or k pads

How does that help him?

Yes. They’ll wear out eventually. Get new ones. YoYoFactory Response Pads – YoYoExpert

Or buy flowable silicone, and silicone it yourself :wink:

YES!!! that happened to me. i got some actual friction sticker things at yoyo guy.com. i’m not going to get a link because yye has k-pads that are similar but if you want to try them out then i could PM it to you. and their coustomer service sucks, I have had bad experiences the one time i buy from them.