YYE for homepage.

Is there a way to get yoyoexpert as your homepage? 9/10 times I get on the computer,the only reason is yoyo expert. so it would make sense to have it as my homepage. ???

search on youtube for how to do it. I don’t know if you are on Mac or Windows, so i cant tell you.

its easy either way.

In your browser options you should have a menu for homepages. Most should be relatively the same.

If your cool and use chrome…
There should be a tools button. Represented with a wrench on the far top right of your browser. Right under the close page button. Click on that, then click on options. This will lead you to a new tab where you can scroll down a little and pick your home page.

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if your on windows xp/7 drag the yye icon next to the address bar to the button the says home and then it should be your homepage