yuuksta acid wash problem

So today i recieved my new yuuksta black acid wash, and instead of looking like the picture, its compleatly black with some little gray specs if you look at it under a bright light. I am just wondering if anyone else had this problem, if its just how this batch of yuukstas turned out or what. I will probably contact YYE aout an exchange.

Here are some pictures:

The pictures arent great because i dont have a great camera, but hopefully you will see some difference between these and the pictures in the store

Feel free to contact YYF about it, but if I was in your position, I would probably just go with it since the looks of the yoyo won’t really affect the play. It’s totally up to you though.

Yeah I’d defiantly contact them about it. If I ordered a yoyo and didn’t get the color I ordered I’d be really irritated.

I just got mine, same as yours, black acid wash and it’s exactly the same, but I kinda like it better this way so I’m going to go with it, it’s really a killer look almost all flat black