yuukified poutine bucket?

hay guys I can do yuukified poutine bucket smooth and fast but the only thing i cant do is get the slack bit to flip round twice it only works well for me doing one rotation does anyone have any tips?

bump: not anyone! someone must have done it!

Twist you’re nth wrist really hard?
Maybe I’ll try this one and see how it goes…

This looks do-able. ill try to learn it today in between bouts of FF7 sesh’s. Been thinking about a new one, been polishing up for a while now after learning And Whut.
Ill see if i can add something useful later tonight.

You gotta move your throw hand while it’s unwinding around that hand to keep it going.

ive been working on it here and there and the only tip i have is dont do two winds, just one and practice with that. as you get better you can add the second wrap and work on that. I cant get it to go consistently. I did it once or twice but it was a fluke. good trick!