Yuuki Slack trouble

Ugh… I have never been frustrated with yoyoing until I got to this trick. I just dont know what Im doing wrong, I can get the first part but then in the second part Im having trouble with the pinching, the swinging, and the slack.

Pinching: I dont which string (or both) to pinch when I swing it over

Swinging: I just plain cant tell what Im doing wrong

Slack: There is none being formed!

Can someomne give me some really (I mean EXTREMELY) detailed instructions, cause Im stumped :-\

When you do the first step, never let go of the slack. Basically, you just swing the yoyo around, but make sure you hit the strings. Its okay if the string you are pinching on gets twisted with the slack. You want good tension. Try doing something based on what I said, and tell me what problems you have.

Remember, there isn’t anything wrong with the strings twisting up.

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So you’re saying that I should never let go of that first pinch?

No. Never let go of it.

It says in Gerard’s video, too:


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Ok I think now I know how it goes ::slight_smile:
Now, I just need to practice it :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks Guys :wink: