In the depths of my secret laboratory I’ve been experimenting and developing a new formula. People have been asking for this for years and finally I have something for this string type that I feel is “lab grade” which I’m super happy to share with you.
The testing input on this final version has been great:
“These are like magic.”
“I really feel like it could last forever and it just feels sooooooo gooooood…”
“This maintains yoyostringlab’s super silky soft feeling while adding speed and then holds tension nice. So I do think its a winner!… and really just unique compared to everything else that I would try to compare it to.”
All will be revealed soon. For now I’ll just say the name is a nod to both the material and one of the qualities of the string. Packaging is something unusual.
I’m thinking that a little forum drawing for a pre-release might be fun, so keep your eyes peeled for that.