we had the same idea, I opted for the teflon but I still find that the yoyo with such a smooth axis (and those in aluminum or brass I think are the same if not worse) loses in game quality, it has a not always predictable return, precise and effective … the wooden axes wear the strings, this is true, but they are the only ones that allow perfect playability
I hadn’t seen this thread until just now, and I must say it’s my favorite one thus far
I saw the polishing TEK earlier tonight and thought it was super cool, I’ll definitely be giving it a shot soon.
But then I stumbled upon this thread and drooled over these beauties even more than I normally do while browsing throws.
I kept thinking okay this has to be the last one. Nope. Okay THIS one is my favorite, for sure. Nope.
Great work dude, youve got these applications dialed in perfectly. Now I gotta polish one of my less favorite throws. Hoping I can get the hang well enough after screwing up only one or two that I’ll be comfortablr polishing one of my favorites.
Once again, lovely work. Take pride in this skill, it’s great
Just wondering… is this Ywet of your works. Picked it up on the FB BST from a guy saying it was one of the recess ones but recess said it’s not from them.