YoYoSkills.com Review Site - Redesigned

Hello all,
First off I want to thank you all, from the traffic counters on my website the main yo-yo forums, including this one, are a big source of my traffic.

I have redesigned my website www.YoYoSkills.com into a friendlier “blogOzine” format to make it:
A: Future Proof
B: Easier to read
C: Easier to navigate.
D: Enable commenting on Articles.

This means that old links to my site from reviews and articles posted may not work any more, though I am working on a redirect formula.

In the mean time, everything is still accessible from the front page:

Thank you all, hope you like the new format, and I hope that the links I provide in navigation area helps bring new traffic to the great forums and stores in this community, like the one you are reading this post on.

Chris “Dr. Yo-Yo” Allen

Yep, what’s not to like?

Frankly, Chris, the only thing you’re missing is a favicon. :wink: