YYJ Phenom → Something Phenom
YYJ Meteor → Something Meteor
YYJ Speeder → Something Speeder
YYF Onestar → YYF Onestar
those are DIFFERENT yoyos with same name, i don’t have any problem differentiating those in a conversation, what’s worse is same yoyos with different names because you will get stumped when you look at them from casual catalogue browse then you got to go ask in the forums or reddit😑
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SPYY and Atmos Solaris
Edit: Oops already mentioned.
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Maybe a… “best of” or “Greatest Hits” mini subset from the collection lol
Apathy- by Dave McEvoy and Empathy
Monarch- by Dressel Designs and Cajun Spinners
44- by YYF and YYF (why did they do that?)
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Well, there’s the Duncan ‘yo-yo’… and the Yoyofactory ‘yoyo’.
Both Company’s’ use the same name for the product.
Sorry, I couldn’t resist,
They doesn’t count. Those are spelled completely differently