YoyoRecreation Overdrive Review

The YoyoRecreation Overdrive Review
Diameter: 59.5mm
Width: 44mm
Weight: 65.5g
Gap width:4.5mm
First Thoughts, I purchased this yoyo from Ryota Ogi himself. I bought a metallic Blue Overdrive and on first glimpse of It looked the yoyo looked very nice. Futuristic, Sharp and Large.
The shape of the yoyo was to my liking it had all the criteria I was looking for in a yoyo: large diameter, wide flared out profile and a nice light weight

First Throw, This yoyo was AMAZING, it is not often I say this about a yoyo, but this yoyo DESTROYED my standards. The yoyo was large which was easy to land string hits on, but usually yoyos with a large Diameter should suck at chopsticks right? WRONG! the yoyos flared out shape makes the yoyo wide and its inner diameter is very small because of the yoyos low wall, it killed my chopstick combos, executed them flawlessly as if I was using a yoyo which had a diameter of 49 however being 59 this is VERY IMPRESSIVE.

Does the Overdrive stop there? No! The Overdrives whole body has been given gridded finish, but SOOO finely that it improves grinding to the point where it is highly capable of taking on a 888 on grinding capabilities, usually yoyos with low walls are CRAP at grinding however the Overdrive hit me with this hidden talent, its Grided finish along with its rims make it a remarkably good grinder.
So what else can the Overdrive dish out? HORIZONTAL PLAY!

Never before have I seen a yoyo with this amount of spin time for horizontal play, your average DarkMagic or PGM’s horizontal spin time lasts around 20 seconds horizontally, Your Higher end yoyos such as the Phenom or Superstar last around 30, the Overdrive KILLS THIS, it pushes the limits to about 45 seconds, ALMOST A MINUTE HORIZONTALLY, no yoyo in my collection high walled low walled, kk bearing or flat bearing, can come close to that.

Also its large diameter makes string landing a Breeze, you can virtually close your eyes and do a horizontal combo and most the time hit everything you want to (some skill is required) Not only does the Overdrives spin time last long horizontally however also lasts long normally, I can do my long technical combos TWICE and this yoyo could still snap back at my hand and do it again. Can the

What else can the Overdrive do? SPEED !
This yoyo is large, but also light, so it increases your accuracy along with your speed. This yoyo has an aerodynamic shape, so whether your wizzing through a speedy horizontal combo, slamming out your normal combos as fast as you can, or just playing with minimal concentration, the overdrive will hit your combos with SPEED AND ACCURACY.

After a few weeks:
The Overdrive killed my standards on the first throw and continued to impress, however some problems did show up.
The yoyo was very slippy towards the second week, maybe because of how much I was playing it but this was very annoying, because of its slippy feel, the spin time went down because it simply couldn’t get a hold of the response system to dish out a solid throw.

Also binds became less tight and you had to do a double bind to make sure it came up. This all changed when I re silicone the response, however because the grove was so thin the new silicone didn’t last long and soon fell out. However the yoyo uses the new response for about a month before replacing is required which is good because if it stays on any longer the yoyo will return to its Slippy feel.
On the positive side, the yoyo is Stronger then I though, the yoyo has a light feel, however takes knocks to the ground very well, being made from 70 75 aluminum, I have given it a few tough knocks to the ground but there has been nothing on the yoyo, the yoyo still looks brand new

So in conclusion I LOVE THIS YOYO,I would use this in a competition without a seconds hesitation, however being a VERY HIGH end yoyo this yoyos price is High, I have seen Overdrives sold at 200 or at least 180, I bought B Grades off him which play exactly the same except for the price of 120. So This yoyo is WELL worth the buy, being good at nearly every aspect of yo-yoing, Grinding, Chopsticks , Speed, Horizontal and accuracy , I would buy this yoyo gladly for 200 and if you can find one, don’t hesitate a second I guarantee you will not be disappointed.

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I played with a friend’s overdrive before. Not my favorite yoyo. As a matter of fact, I DON’T LIKE YYR AT ALL. What’s the hype for? They come with tons of vibe. I would take a protostar over a YYR any day.

It should not have alot of vibe unless it was knocked against something…I have unscrewed/screwed my clash back together plenty of times and it is very smooth, no complaints. YYR does deserve the hype, ALOT and I mean ALOT of people in the Japan yoyo scene use YYR for a very good reason…they are very good yoyos.

You have to be experienced to get the full experience.
When I first got my Messiah, I had been yoyoing 5 months. I thought it was a little vibey, but then I LEARNED HOW TO THROW IT PROPERLY. Solved everything.

Same with my Sliepnir; I have to concentrate on my throw to get it smooth. And when I get a good throw, oh man, is it smooth.

Yes, koenigseggfire’s got the right idea. I’ve never had as many dead smooth yoyos as I have with my YYRs with proper pampering. The hype is absolutely deserved on all counts. It’s really less about smoothness and more about perfect weight distribution, extremely long spin, effortless string hits, and complete reliability with every single one of their yoyos.

Couple things I noticed about the review. The weight is 64 grams where you have 65.5 marked in the specs. Not a big deal, but that extra gram and a half does make a huge difference in (conveying) playability. Second – are you sure you’re siliconing it properly? New model YYRs such as the Overdrive use a silicone groove that’s almost exactly the same as YYF response grooves. Actually I think YYRs’ are a tad bit deeper, so you shouldn’t have any problems with silicone falling out if applied properly. Great review though. You pretty much covered all the aspects of this yoyo pretty well.

… :’(OK, I’m was wrong on this one…

Played my friend’s Acrophobia last week.
Dang, yyrs seem to be really sensitive when i comes to bad throws but hey! they were born from precision machines…I guess they want your hand to he as precise. I concentrated on my throw and it came out smooth. I guess it’s kinda hard to throw yyrs dead smooth. My friend corrects the yyr vibe in play(sting friction).

I am still a plastic yoyo fan(Don’t know, I just think yoyos shouldn’t be cold and hard like how metals are).

Put it in your pocket for a few minutes before play. Tends to warm up fast!

Back pocket work best I guess.
Anyway, great review, make me droll more and more towards YYR.

Good review, but it is really biased.

You didn’t mention (Or I didn’t read it carefully enough) how LIGHT the overdrive plays. It plays lighter than your 54 with Al Ultra-Lights. Plays lighter than your stackless 888. It plays very very light. Not a pacquiao light, but close