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Aww I loved that guy! The blood was so fake, though. I want the Yo-Yo Joe to win!
call me Yoyo Moe naw just kidding ;D :o 8) : :-X :-\
I just watched that video. Sadly it looks like that link didn’t have the whole routine but awesome. Ha the third judge: “It’s definitely a yes yes.” Haha.
We just had this topic, just to let you know.,3997.0.html
The “third judge” is the Hoff! ;D
You could find it in the channels website they saidbyou can watch full episodes there
its on nbc at 8 central 9 east
Ok thank you.
I saw that!!! Joseph Harris is awesome. ;D
Hope he wins.
Joseph Harris won 2a at Nationals 2008. Just a Reminder. ;D
the guy who did magic was awesome!
Which one?
he made the mic float.
He was awesome
yes he was