Yoyofriends Hummingbird review

Review of the yoyofriends Hummingbird, we got more colorways coming soon.


Wait you’re reviewing your own company’s yo-yos? Isn’t that kind of biased? :wink:


Not when the yoyo is that good. :wink:


Nope, I said before I won’t be biased. :wink:


I would generally avoid reviewing your own stuff though, even if you say you won’t be biased… there will be bias. This is a pretty standard practice in many industries and fields.


Ok that’s cool! I wouldn’t though, and I will keep on reviewing yoyofriends yoyo in the future.


Nah, its not hard to not be biased, especially since yiyang is being super objective and stating clear facts.


He was spot on about everything so it’s not really biased.


I would structure this more like a blog or product announcement than a review. I always laugh when someone who is sponsored reviews a yoyo by the company that sponsored them. You have skin in the game. Your not going to give a bad review.
Except primus. Even claypool knew that primus sucked.


Modern day yoyo reviews are more of an analysis of a yoyo’s qualities than a review. In this way I think “reviewing” your own yoyos is fine.
Every yoyo in today’s world is good. I don’t see any issues with @Mazdarx7FD analyzing his own creations with what he did right/wrong. I’m fairly sure his audience knows that he is reviewing yo-yos for his own company.


I mean I did point out some parts that trade blows with other yoyo, if you watch the whole video not everything I said in the video are 100% positive. I think it is fine to review your own company’s yoyo, it can give insights on the purpose, design and many other details of the yoyo, of course its going to be a good review, if it plays bad for me in prototype phase, it will not even make production. There are 8-10 reviews on hummingbird already and I want to cover every single details on it that’s missing from the other reviews that can help the people.


I think what you’re doing it’s ok. It’s not like you are saying fake stuff in your review with the sole purpose to trick people into buying your product with points that are not true at all. Actually, if you can offer design cues and points from a perspective of the manufacturer that would be cool.

So that’s the level of influence you have inside yoyofriends? Thats cool. afaik i have never heard complains abot yoyofriends’ stuff and that says something :man_shrugging:


I think he runs the company, but I may be wrong @Mazdarx7FD ?

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I don’t run the company, Yoyofriends is a collaboration effort of FPM, the OEM and the sponsored players, I am simply the leader of the sponsored players and I have heavy design input on yoyos, yoyofriends’ direction and scoutting future players, so in a way I kind of run the show? IDK LOL.


I have no issue with you reviewing yoyofriends stuff.

My input on this is that current yo-yo reviews are less about how good a yo-yo is (because there aren’t many bad yo-yos made now) and more about how the yo-yo feels and plays and whether they’ll match someone’s preferences.

I’ve enjoyed your reviews so far and I’m usually not the biggest fan of most yo-yo reviews tbh.