Yoyofactory Genesis 1A video with Miggy and Tyler

The difference between the first run Genesis and the rest are that the new ones use slim pads and not large pads/silicone. So maybe with that the V2 is veryyy slightly heavier, I haven’t weighed the two to compare though. The V3 is the same as V2 so really I guess you could say they are both V2 haha. Don’t know why they feel different to you but I’ve heard that before so it’s not completely out of the ordinary. All versions are beast though. :slight_smile:

hahaha I liked the intro.

“use the genesis”

good video guys!

so I’m not only me.
thanks miggy, for making such a great yoyo, you are the beast.


Tyler’s trick combo starting at about 1:20 is beastly.

Awesome intro, overall great tricks. keep up the good work

I… had to comment again on this thread.

I love all of Miggy’s work. His filming is amazing. I’d love to get tips from him one day. :wink:

That would be awesome… If Miggy made a video on making better videos… He is a great yoyo video producer… Im sure if he wasn’t too busy being an amazing yoyoer he could be like Boxthor or Sector Y in fame yanno?