And it comes in a bag
I think it’s coming out tomorrow!
pack is guaranteed
to include two special
edition metal yo-yos
plus you will be
first in the world
to throw a new design
what makes you think that ?
The clock is on all zeros meaning no more clues
I hope the next clue gives us an idea of what the throws in the bag are…
We’ll you still want it to be a mystery.
Either I’m not the only one who likes to have stickers, or you’re being sarcastic. Or both, either way, ;D
If you look closely on clue #5 you can see the size of the box in the bag.
Another clue?!?!?!
I found out what might be the size of the mystery box! It seems like the box width is around 10 inches and the hight is around 3 and a half inches!
Edit. Obviously there is no picture from overhead and because it might have different widths on the other sides I can’t predict what exactly what its size is on all sides.
My guess is that Shutters, Aviators, Horizons, and Czm8 will be in the bags. Considering is Luis, Gentry, Vashek, and Paul on those cards.
I’d love an Aviator.
I am not big on speculation but I do know that I was happy with the throws I received in my last two boxes. So I just hope I will be able to afford the box and that I will be on time in ordering it.
Worlds editions I would think. Especially since those are the main yoyofactory players going to worlds.
If this speculation is correct, which is about the only speculation that can be drawn from that clue, I really hope my box has an Aviator and Horizon in it. I’ll be happy with any two of those throws, because they are well worth the price of a mystery pack, but I already have a Shutter and CZM8.
pack is guaranteed
to include two special
edition metal yo-yos
plus you will be
first in the world
to throw a new design
BTW, I asked Yoyofactory on and they said it’s not going to be CZM8