YoYoExpert x YoYoFactory - Worlds Prague 2014

One hour and still nothing hmm…

Yeah I’m kinda hoping its like 53mm or less. I’m really enjoying smaller throws lately.

Are they of the same quality? Like spin time and such. I like smaller yoyos because it seems like they will go faster like an uncontrollable bug xD

50mm or bust!

I’m about to explode of excitement :grimacing:

Couldn’t tell you. I’m not super knowledgeable when it comes to shape and spin times. I do know that I’m finding myself enjoying my Bapezilla.2 and Supra more than my full sized throws in the past couple of weeks. And they still perform plenty well, they always have more than enough spin time to complete anything that I am able to pull off, and they also seem more fun and challenging to me.

I have a few sub-50mm throws on my short list of future purchases. It would be nice if this is one of them.

More than one hour has gone, so my adrenaline is gone, lol

The timer reset, 10 11 pm CST

It says we have to wait another hour and 44 mins :scream:

How suspicious.

I wonder what this means? Video upload? Sales?

Much mystery. So hype. Wow.

No idea

Aww man it will be midnight by the time it comes out…
Time to stall lol

Airplane ride with no wifi to Orlando! Whoops! :wink:


Well. Maybe it won’t be sales then! Either way, rev up them hype engines.


It’s up!

Took me 2:12, it doesn’t really give too much away…

The four players on the cards could be hints as to what throws are potentially in the packs. Other than that wild ■■■■■■■■■■ yeah, it’s not a huge clue of a puzzle.

I was really hoping the last clue was the release date

Solved it, but doesn’t give much away…

Besides the fact that we will get stickers! Woohoo! ;D :smiley: