YoyoExpert Mega Collab | 2013

After a long wait, it’s finally here. The grand compilation of many members of the community. I present, the YYE Mega Collab of 2013!


Good job everybody!


Great job everyone! I really enjoyed watching it.

Awesome job!

One of the best yoyo videos, really shows just how different each thrower is and highlighted different styles, love to participate in the next one

What’s the song that was used?

Bad Wings by The Glitch Mob.


This should be stickied because so many awesome people came together to work on this project and everyone should be able to see it ;D




That was awesome

Dat vid tho… :?D’

(Basically a bump, 'cuz dis vid deserves it!)

Thanks dude :smiley:

Wow. Someone should really pm me about these things.

Nice job.

There was a giant thread about it :confused: sorry man… But thank you!

where am I? :frowning:

Edit: Oh my god I feel horrible… I still have your video but somehow I didn’t put it in… I’m going to re edit it with you in it. I’m so sorry :frowning:

This is awsome ;D :smiley: