YoyoExpert Forum Yo-Yo Manufacturer Awards! (Results)

  1. Best overall yo-yo performance: CLYW
  2. Smoothness: yoyorecreation
  3. Best colorways: CLYW
  4. Best New Company Award (3 releases or less): G2
  5. Best Marketing and Promotion: OneDrop
  6. Best Packaging and Graphic Design: CLYW
  7. Best Accessories Award (only if they make yo-yos too): OneDrop
  8. Best Customer Service: OneDrop
  9. Best Quality Control: OneDrop
  10. Best at Consistency, Meeting Customer Expectations: OneDrop
  11. Fan Favorite Award: CLYW
  12. Best Team Award: CLYW
    *13. Legend Award: SPYY
  1. Best overall yo-yo performance: sOMETHING. (expensive but awesome performance) Anglam, Anglam CC.
  2. Smoothness: Gonna go with General Yo, but Duncan Barracuda comes close second. :smiley:
  3. Best colorways: OneDrop, Duh side colors.
  4. Best New Company Award (3 releases or less): G2
  5. Best Marketing and Promotion: Duncan no doubt, you got Disney,Marvel, really there is no competition.
  6. Best Packaging and Graphic Design: I am really going to throw you guys off in this one, but the best packaging goes to Audley’s Blazing teens, Have you seen Photon Spirit’s Packaging?
  7. Best Accessories Award (only if they make yo-yos too): Yoyofactory.
  8. Best Customer Service: Yoyofactory
  9. Best Quality Control: General Yo
  10. Best at Consistency, Meeting Customer Expectations: OneDrop
  11. Fan Favorite Award: I am torn between YYF and Duncanbut I am going to go with the duncan, beacause of the new Duncan STRIX, at that price range there is little or no competition, then you got Barracuda which is amazing.
  12. Best Team Award: I am once again torn between Duncan and YYF, but I am going to go with YYF, Gentry, H.O.T, Louis.
    *13. Legend Award: Duh, DUNCAN! You got butterfly, imperial, Kohta and Hank Freeman. :smiley:
  1. Best overall yo-yo performance: CLYW
  2. Smoothness: Onedrop
  3. Best colorways: C3yoyodesign
  4. Best New Company Award (3 releases or less): G2 no contest
  5. Best Marketing and Promotion: YYJ
  6. Best Packaging and Graphic Design: CLYW
  7. Best Accessories Award (only if they make yo-yos too): Monkeyfinger
  8. Best Customer Service: G2
  9. Best Quality Control: Onedrop
  10. Best at Consistency, Meeting Customer Expectations: Onedrop
  11. Fan Favorite Award: CLYW
  12. Best Team Award: YYJ
    *13. Legend Award: Spyy (RIP)

I’m sad to see so little love for RecRev.

I love recrev, don’t get me wrong. But with these questions some other companies beat them.

  1. Best overall yo-yo performance: Spyy
  2. Smoothness: Spyy
  3. Best colorways: CLYW
  4. Best New Company Award (3 releases or less): G2
  5. Best Marketing and Promotion: CLYW
  6. Best Packaging and Graphic Design: CLYW
  7. Best Accessories Award (only if they make yo-yos too): CLYW
  8. Best Customer Service:One Drop
  9. Best Quality Control: One Drop
  10. Best at Consistency, Meeting Customer Expectations: One Drop
  11. Fan Favorite Award: CLYW
  12. Best Team Award: YYF
    *13. Legend Award: Spyy
  1. Best overall yo-yo performance: yoyo recreation
  2. Smoothness: C3
  3. Best colorways: Clyw
  4. Best New Company Award (3 releases or less): Yoyo officer
  5. Best Marketing and Promotion: Yoyo factory
  6. Best Packaging and Graphic Design: CLYw
  7. Best Accessories Award (only if they make yo-yos too): One drop
  8. Best Customer Service:One Drop
  9. Best Quality Control: One Drop
  10. Best at Consistency, Meeting Customer Expectations: One Drop
  11. Fan Favorite Award: C3
  12. Best Team Award: C3
    *13. Legend Award: SPYY (sleep well you sweet prince)

We should’ve had an award for best value, but all of us would’ve put RecRev anyways, so I guess it’s okay haha. Just put it up when you put all the awards up.

Best value would be a great category. I think C3 would be up for it too, with that first Dibase, and the Token. It’s hard to get people to answer this many questions, so I tried to minimize the amount of them. There are a few other categories that would have been nice as well. I’m hoping to get a minimum of 50 people to participate in this. That’s not a ton, but enough to get a general idea of what people are thinking.

Best value is Recrev by far. C3 is 2nd but recrev still kicks its butt

Voting has ended. The results are posted on Page 1. Now, you may ask questions, and this is opened up for further discussion.

It has taken me hours, to read over the varous votes. You can interpret the results how you choose, but one thing is for sure, 41 people participated in this awards thread, asked to give their honest opinion of yo-yo manufacturers in 13 categories. We all know there are certain variables which contributed to the results, including the region of the voter pool. Many of the voters have purchased a high number of throws, as evident from their posts. It cannot be determined how many yo-yos each and every voter has used and tried. But, it is clear that only those who wanted to participate, took part in this. Also, voters often left categories blank in which they had no experience or felt their experience insufficient to place a fair vote. In light of that, take the results for what they are, but I find that you will learn something from the numbers. G2Jake was allowed to vote, and other manufacturers had equal access to the forum to place their own votes, if they chose to do so. I believe a new manufacturer leaving no stone unturned for the opportunity to promote their company might do as he has done and take part. But, I can also understand why a well established, long time manufacturer would abstain from voting. It may not be worth the attention it could cause to stir things up with your true feelings about the competition. So, on to the results.

1. Best Overall Performance: One Drop
One Drop was in first, with 11 votes out of a potential 41 voters. CLYW and YoYo Recreation tied in second with 9 votes, nipping at the heels of One Drop. Sturm Panzer, G2 and General Yo made a showing with 2 votes each all tied for third.

2. Smoothness: General Yo
General Yo is killing the competition in this category with 18 votes. I wondered how with all the B and + grades. But, if your B and + grades are smoother than the competition too…you’re doing things right. One Drop in second with 6 votes. Oxy got my vote, but they are less popular, and got 4 votes. SPYY and CLYW are nipping at the heels of Oxy with 3 votes each.

3. Best Colorways: CLYW
The results are staggering. CLYW with a whopping 20 votes. Kudos to them for coming up with nice colorways, giving them catchy names, and promoting them well. C3yoyodesign and Monkeyfinger were tied in second with 6 votes each. One Drop in third with 3 votes, and Square Wheels with 2 votes. Madhouse and RecRev got one vote each.

4. Best New Company: G2
G2 had 14 votes, but Deadly Spins with one official release sold at retail, got 8 votes. If they have another popular release, they just may take G2’s spot. Until then, G2 had a comfortable lead, with Spin Dynamics and Sturm Panzer tied for third. Tenyoyo, Square Wheels, and Jeckyl and Hyde all got mentioned. I had never heard of Jeckyl and Hyde, but I have now.

5. Best Marketing and Promotion: YoyoFactory
YoyoFactory had a staggering 21 votes. They are considered the best at letting you know what they have coming, offering you deals, and keeping their name up front. CLYW in second with 8 votes and Duncan in third with 7. YoyoFactory doesn’t have the luxury of using the name “Duncan” and owning the rights to “yo-yo.com,” yet despite that…they put the work in, and as evident in this pool of internet using community member voters…they are considered tops in this area.

6. Best Packaging/Graphic Design: CLYW
It seems people really appreciate the original artwork on their packaging. CLYW got 17 votes. Yoyofactory, Yoyojam and YoyoRecreation in second tied with 3 votes each. Crucial and Monkey finger tied in third with two votes.

7. Best Accessories Award: YoyoFactory
Yoyofactory got 12 votes, with Monkeyfinger in second with 10, and One Drop in third with 9. Duncan got 5 votes, and got a descent showing. Yoyojam got one mention, as well as G2 and CLYW. Stew on that one. Really close numbers, so almost a dead heat with 3 companies, with Yoyofactory squeaking it out for the win. The multitool and hubstacks combined, likely helped out.

8. Best Customer Service: YoyoFactory
This category was skipped more than any other, but out of those who cast a vote, 10 said YoyoFactory. One Drop in second with 8, and Yoyojam in third with 4 votes. G2 and CLYW got two votes each.

9. Best Quality Control: One Drop
Wow…22 votes for One Drop. I voted for them because I’ve never opened their yo-yo and found dust, debris, ano flaws or any of that. Someone there is paying attention before things are boxed up and put out there. I don’t see many B grades floating around either. More on that later. General Yo in second with 7 votes, as everyone knows those throws are checked individually. CLYW in third with 5 votes.

10. Best at Consistency, meeting customer expectations: One Drop
One Drop with 14 votes. CLYW in second with 6 votes, G2 in third with 4 votes. SPYY, Yoyofactory and General Yo tied with 3 votes each.

11. Fan Favorite Award: CLYW
Well, you aren’t surprised are you? A whopping 27 votes for the company with the heart of the people. This is the company people are most fanatic about…that generates the most excitement. One Drop in second with 3 votes. Yoyofactory, and YoyoJam 2 votes. Tenyoyo, G2, YoyoRecreation and YoyoMonster all got a mention with a vote.

12. Best Team: YoyoJam/CLYW tie
Yes, both teams with 13 votes each. YoyoFactory in third, with 8 votes. One Drop and SPYY both got a mention with a vote.

13. Legend Award: SPYY
SPYY got 19 votes, Duncan 15 and a few for Tom Kuhn. Bist YoyoJam and YoyoAddict got a vote. Russell even got a vote for Coca Cola yo-yos. I honestly thought Duncan should win overall for longevity. At a yo-yo awards I thought it should go to them first…maybe SPYY or another company the next year. This was the one category I thought was skewed due to the timing of SPYY closing. Just my opinion. Great company though, so Duncan might win some other time.

There are always collaboration threads posted here. Based on what I see here, YoyoFactory/One Drop collaboration would be big business. High performance and quality control, with the best marketing, customer service, and one of the top 3 teams in the business. Big money. You may never see it, but good business says that is the collaboration that should be made. But, that’s just my opinion if they are about making some yo-yo money.

Thoughts? Questions? I’ll proof this more later…I’m tired. See you at the awards next year. ;D

Just a little thing, but I think if you put the results in bold, thusly:

It’ll just stand out a bit more and look a bit more professional. Fantastic job though, I think the results are very fair of how the forum feels. Congratulations to Onedrop for winning so many catagories. =D

I’ll bold them here, but results are posted more clearly on page 1. That was my added commentary above. ;D

Ahh flip, I didn’t notice, sorry.

Very well done to all companies! It seems that CLYW technically won the most catagories with 4 wins, YYF and Onedrop have 3 each.

Unsuprising that these 3 companies would be the top 3 really… =D

I have to admit that I was never in utter shock…despite my personal votes being different than the overall results in some categories. The only one that surprised me was the Legend category, but due to the recent events, it can be explained. I think Oxy deserved the smoothness award, because there is no B grade Oxy for vibe. There is a B grade Oxy for ano flaws, but not vibe that I know of. But, again, a lot of votes are based on where companies are located, and how popular sales are here for their throws. It’s all just my personal opinion. I read the forum all the time, and the results do reflect the overall majority opinion I think. A few categories are really close.

But, part of posting this was to point out where, in the eyes of the consumer, companies are doing well in some areas, and could step it up in other areas. I doubt this will be much of an eye opener for them. After all, some companies care about “packaging and graphics,” others just do not want to be known for that…and that’s okay. But, it can help them see areas where they could improve with very little effort. I think the thread is worth a read in that regard. Again…YoyoFactory/One Drop collaboration would be huge, and in my opinion bigger and better than The Summit. You need to take who does things best, and merge it for something big.

“Again…YoyoFactory/One Drop collaboration would be huge” : LOL.
I am not sure that one is in the cards.


You are such a skeptic ::slight_smile:

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I am going to ask YoyoExpert if we can legitimize this, and I will spring for some professional certificates with the YoyoExpert logo and such, if he is willing to sign them and make them official. With the recent addition to his family, if this takes place, it would be prior to the end of the year. Congratulations to all the companies mentioned here, not just the winners. I really believe that the results are the opinion of the “majority on the forum.” I hope for more participation next year. Instead of manufacturers reading thread by thread about your feedback, this is a nice way to just sum it all up once a year.

But, I will add this. If you had a yo-yo release, with One Drop having veto power on the performance and quality control, YoyoFactory having veto power on the marketing and promotions and customer service (all things customer related), and CLYW determining the look of this yo-yo, it’s colorways and packaging…BOOM!! You said it here, who does what best…add CLYW in too and make it a three way project. Everyone can cash in, everyone does what they are best at, and everyone gets their company promoted simultaneously. You would have two of the best teams in the business involved in this. And, you’d have some deep pockets involved. Now, how’s that for a documentary?

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I bet your on the phone with Ben right now just because he said that :wink: