YoYoers Common Terms: A Reference for New Commers

Hello New Comers/Forum Members,

I have decided to make a YoYoers Common Terms/Dictionary to help out the new commers to YYE. As many know YoYoers use many terms on ther boards that some may not know. This is like a foreign language to some who come onto YYE. To help clear up confusion I have decided to make a topic defining terms some may not know or understand.


This topic will be separated into Terms and Abreviations.


Siliconing: Siliconing is the doing of applying silicone into the response area of the the yoyo.
Related Terms: Sili’ing, sili.

Vibe: A vbe is when the YoYo is not spinning in a proper way. You may notice that it is wobbling when looking directly at it.
Related Terms: Wobble, Vibration.

Smooth: When a YoYo is described not to be wobbling during play. It is visibly stable and does not shake. It looks like it is staying in place.

Floaty: The term floaty is when a YoYo feels or plays light or somewhat weightless during play.

Solid: Solid is described when a YoYo feels or plays heavier on the string during play.

Throw/ Throwing: This is basically the the modern throwers way of playing with a YoYo.

Modding: Modding is when someone changes a YoYos apperance, response area, bearing seat, weight or shape to play in a different way.

Tuning: Tuning is the act of trying to get the wobble/vibe (see above) out of the YoYo.

Tut: Tutorial

Vid: Video

YoYo Styles of Play

1a: 1A is a sleeping yo-yo, so it spins at the end of the string connected to your hand. With that you can actually land it into the groove of the string.

2a: 2A is a style that consists of two YoYos on two different hands, that are consistently looping.

3a: 3A is a style similar to 2A though instead of 2 looping yoyos, it is two string trick yoyos.

4a: 4A is the style in which the yoyo the not connected to the string. This is often refered to as offstring.

5a: 5A is a style of play where the yoyo is not attached to ones hand. Instead the may use a counterweight, it can be a ball or a dice.


Brand Abreviations

YYF: Stands for the brand YoYo Factory

YYJ: Stands for the brand YoYoJam

OD/1Drop: Stands for the brand One Drop Design

CLYW: Stands for the brand Caribou Lodge YoYo Works

ILYY: Stands for the brand I Love YoYo

YYR: Stands for the brand YoYo Recreation

CYYC: Stands for the brand Chico YoYo Company

RecRev: Stands for the brand Recreational Revolution

YoYo Abreviations

FHZ/FH0: Stands for the YoYo The Duncan Free Hand Zero

FH2: Stands for the Duncan YoYo The Free Hand Two

DM/DM2: Stands for the YoYoJam YoYo, The Dark Magic or Dark Magic 2

SBZ: Sigma Blade Zwei, A YoYo by YoYojam

HM: HitMan, A YoYo by YoYoJam

SFX: Spin Factor X, A YoYo by YoYoJam

Contest Abreviations

BAC: Bay Area Classic, Located in California

BLC: Stands for Bill Lebowitz Classic, Located in California

NER: North East Regionals, Located in Massachusetts

Nats: U.S. Nationals, Located in Chico, California

WYYC: World YoYo Contest, Located in Florida

PNWR: Pacific North West Regionals, Located in Seattle, Washington

I know all terms or abreviations might not be listed, but this post is still under construction and will appcept new abreviations and terms.

And for any other clarifications on terms if you are new please check yoyowiki.org



This should be stickied. Even though I already made one…

I though you did just abreviations, could you link me to the topic so I could use some terms from it?

This should definitely be stickied

I’ll try to find it.

i think yoyowiki got this covered pretty good.

:wink: :wink:

I put a link to it for any other clarifacations.

And your right about that. I just though it would be way easier to use since it on the site.

Even though yoyowiki has it, if you’re going to put one up just for YYE, I’d add the different styles (1A-5A, moebius, etc) and maybe some more modding terms that tend to pop up in b/s/t threads (high wall, schmove, etc) and maybe even some string terms.

Ok, cool.Thanks for telling me those terms. Though I did not intend for it to be based on yoyo styles, but more on terms that are commonly used.

may I also add that it is more helpful to me to know what state the contest is located is rather than what it’s abbreviation is. For example, I dont care what BLC stands for, it could be bayland classic for all I care, I just care its in socal. So, you might want to state where the contest is located, I still don’t know where PNWR is…

I see what you’re saying, but the molding terms and style abbreviations are pretty common in b/s/t threads, so they would be helpful for most new people to know.

Ok, I will add those in tonight, sometime. Oh and Mista, I will put the location.

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Silicone recessing: a type of mod(see modding) done by making a recess to the yoyo so it can be siliconed(see siliconing).

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Just a possibility
Wobble and Vibe are two different things I beleive. Or wobble is just an intense vibe. oh whatever.
and maybe different types of vibe? Stack vibe, vibe on grinds, etc.

Yeah, wobble and vibe are different things, though it was the best way to describe a vibe to new commers.

And I don’t want to get to deep into modding, I add mod a bigger term for others to look into.

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I did it…the elusive double thankyou…

Hahahaha. Back on topic…

The Pacific Northwest Yo-Yo Championships is held in Seattle, Washington.

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BAC= Bay area Classic
Cal state= claifornia state contest