Yoyo vs newton yoyos for sale

That’s definitely not the norm as anyone here will attest.

FYI, my guess based on past sales of even rarer throws of that same model 54 (e.g. a partly cloudy I sold) - your purple 54 yoyo would sell here for around $100 to $110, the special disc SE would go for $40-50 on their own, and then likely include the spikes with the 54 at base price.

You’re always welcome to go pie in the sky and hope, but yep. Plus online auction 16-20% in fees.

People have enjoyed your pics, the best to you on your sales!


Fully agree with last two posts,and yeah that 54 good luck at 300$ starting auction,I agree 110$-150 is reasonable(with discs) for what I’ve seen i mean near mint with the slightest mark can be had for 65-100$ if patient, so yep happy to hear these comments from you fine folks.

Yup Sorry about that. The wife doesn’t know a common code 2 6061 from the GZR 7075 and that caused a little heart ache. Taking of the GZR and side effects. Just a normal Code 2 OD raw installed effects. I’ll be handing the listings pricing and descriptions moving forward to avoid this issue. First one I’ve had BTW. Bapezilla, I was told by an ebayer was actually 2012 Bape 2. I reached out to the buyer to clarify and he didn’t care. "I still want it. Ship it. I prefer it with side effects. Sorry if people are bummed I am going with ebay. I know I have bought a ton of great throws in here. What it’s worth is what they’ll pay. I’ll swing for the fences and if it’s not a home run I’ll take a double or a triple. Apologies.


Sorry again to all the folks who were hoping for better pricing. I’ll soon be as hated as Heath after the charity thing to get his team to finals. (He did pay it all back though. with interest and then some at great personal cost to him and his throws, guns and guitars) You may even refuse to buy my throws on principle. I’m not mad at you for you doing you. If you’re married (and whipped like me) You do what the wife asks to keep the peace. I appreciate the love and forgive the anger and or hate. I appreciate this community and all it has afforded me to throw and enjoy.



Please feel free to post your collection here with pictures and we can happily give you estimates and identify

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Please don’t defend Heath stealing from a cancer charity by saying he paid it back at a personal cost


Sorry Will and any others offended by the post. In a perfect world he should have sold his guns, guitars and personal throw collection, to pay to send his team to worlds? Yes. Poor judgment? Absolutely. None of us are error free. (I’m guessing) I’m not for sure. Looking in the rear view, gives us a perspective that only time and experience can afford us as human beings and throwing a back pack full of stones can only go on for so long. Pretty soon you are picking up blood stained stones to hurl at a corpse. Lets not beat a dead horse. I digress. Sorry for being a pragmatic Ebay hoor (NJ phonetic spelling) with love as always and an LOL


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Something’s are harder for people to forgive, and we must forgive those that cannot forgive as well. I could on for ages for the extent of what I’ve been forgiven for, that I most certainly did not deserve.


This was me. Was scammed out of the purchase of the gzr code 2 when I had already bought it fair and square on eBay. Lied to eBay and said it was out of stock. Couldn’t even post feedback on eBay or have any kind of recourse. Beware if you buy from this seller.