Yoyo Tutorial: Tension Hook Mastery - 3 Tricks & a Killer Combo

I hope you guys enjoy it! I put a lot of time to make it as detailed as possible, I’d super appreciate if you could drop a like and comment to help boost it on the thread and on YouTube.

I believe this is THE MOST DETAILED TENSION HOOK GUIDE OUT THERE. I hope you guys enjoy!


This is one of my favorite tricks ever! I actually think i have the world record for highest tension hook at a 6.0 :sweat_smile:


BRO WTF??? THATS INSANE!!! Dude major props to you man, I didn’t even think that was possible!!

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Sheesh that’s a lot of beef to digest bruh


So I’m just trying the first part and when I get to the lift throw hand finger up and away…there doesn’t appear to be anywhere for anything to move. If I try to pull that finger to the right/up, I’m just locked in that position.

Could you send a video?