Yoyo String tightness

When making yoyo string does a tighter spin create for better tension retention when playing the string? who does thither spin affect the end results interns of roughness and durability?

Generally, string that is wound more loosely hold tension better, tighter makes rougher string, and doesn’t really affect durability either way.

Tighter also makes it more springy, easier to bind, and just a little heavier.


I think I get what you are saying, but can you explain this?
It seems like the weight wouldn’t change if you don’t change the amount or number of stings right?

Or would you have to use longer threads to make a tighter wind of the same length and therefore it would be a little heavier?

Or do you just mean the way the string feels during play?

A string is not like a long solid tube, but more like a screw. The tighter you wind it, the narrower the ‘threading’, the fuller it is, thus heavier.
The difference is not night and day, but it’s there.

The term you are looking for is “Linear Density”.


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That makes a lot of sense.
It also helps explain some of the string preferences.

This is from a long time ago, but in order to have a string be more effective with holding its tension it would be best to spin it a little more loosely? Also does thicker string hold its tension better than thinner string? Sorry just wanted to be extra sure.

Everything you quoted has been the opposite of my experience.

In my experience, string that is more tightly wound holds tension better. IE, doesn’t get twisted as easily. HOWEVER, it’s not like it’s going to make it so that you don’t have to worry about your string anymore. No string is going to really be that resistant to string tension, just maybe some are a little better than others.

Also, it my experience, more tightly wound string can be a little more rough before it’s broken in, and it is more durable. Blueprint is a great example of this.

BUT, the durability and the roughness of the string are NOT a function of the tightness to which it’s wound, but rather a function of the durability and roughness of the base thread used to make the string.

Focusing on string tightness is missing the point that a lot of the quality of the string is determined by the thread used to make it. The tightness and wind of the string is important, (as well as general string thickness) but don’t forget that the base thread plays a really big role here too.

In my experience, string makers have been more secretive about the thread stock that they use, than how they actually wind the strings.

This seems to be a point of debate?

IDK… I suppose if you’re wanting to make string, there’s no getting around a lot of experimenting and testing.

Yeah, I’ll give you that. Experimenting at testing to fine tune the end product.

My main thing, was that you can’t underestimate the importance of the raw material when making yoyo string. I haven’t made as many strings as a lot of other people, but I’m willing to bet, that the reason Cloud and others are so expensive is because the stock is higher quality, and more expensive.

Not to belittle anyone, but the technique of making the string is in essence crazy simple, and secondary to quality of thread when it comes to the final product.

For me tighter twist seems to hold “tension” better

In comparison, my kitty fat need to do tension reduction quicker and more frequently than Buddha string

I did try to add a few more twist to the kitty fat
And it seems better for me

And tighter wound does makes it rougher feel

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