Yoyo Size

Greetings one and all.
So I’ve been wandering - I see that there are yoyos as big as 2.2 inch in diameter, and as small as 50 mm…What are the pros and cons to having a big yoyo\small yoyo? How do you choose which size you prefer?


The best thing to do is go to a meet and try everyone else’s yoyo’s. I know this isn’t always possible but that is the best way.

If you don’t have that opportunity then they only true way to find out is buy them and see.

Normally big yoyo’s are more stable than smaller ones but that’s not always the case. Smaller fits in your hand better. I like all sizes though.

Sizes has little influene on stabilyty in my opinion, weight placement is.
I think its over to meet the player prefrence. And in some case, undesize is slightly faster.
Its just my opinion based of what i know though.

It is hard to explain but big ones and small ones has their own pros and cons. Sorry, the only thing I can say to you is go get one and try it out yourself because people have different likes and dislikes but it’s up to you wether your hands are big or small. In my opinion, big ones are probably alittle bit more stable but small ones give you a better fell in the hand…good luck… :wink:

In actuality these days, it’s mainly just preference. They will be very stable no matter the size, but yes bigger ones will still be more stable.