Yoyo shapes: Organic? O? Here's a poll

Had 40 responses, which is plenty, and I closed the poll.

A big surprise:

B is considered more O-shaped than A.
I think this means there were some pranksters voting, or a cabal of grail-lovers who only chose the schmoove grooved shape, or a nefarious wizard who was entering poll results with a magical spell to throw me off.

F was my attempt at creating an inorganic O shape, and it’s suitably confusing. E is an organic H??? though H is itself quite controversial.

This is baffling! If I wanted to make an O shape today I can’t even be confident with shape A, 10% of forum posters will leave me a bad review!


I mean, yea. Turns out that some people dont know their hard H’s from the softest O’s. I never thought that was a thing till recently.




Dude I practically just started yoyoing yesterday. I know very little about shapes or why it matters. But if C is not an O…than what is it?
Next poll: do you Eat icecream with
A. Spoon
B. Fork

Twist is same voters who use a fork, also said C is not an organic

But hey. Its not wrong. Its just a life choice


Also a couple said the Life isnt organic I guess…cause D looks like the Life

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depends if its Frozen

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I use my hands anyway. So I couldnt vote in my own poll.

(Side note to everyone. Im just messing around. Not trying to ruffle any feathers.)

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I guess we’d better “let it go” :smile:

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you set up that dad joke on purpose. …and I loved it lol

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glad you liked it :smiley:
It drives my kids nuts when i do stuff like that.