Yoyo gloves for contest and summer weather

Hello guys,

Just opening this topic because I see many participants at contest during many years use the gloves to play, I knew they exist from ages but never tried them.
I participate twice on a contest and with a bit of hand shaking which can be solved staying more on a stage, I remember that my hands where basically destroyed by the sweat caused by the nerves which also ruined quite a bit the tricks as it become all a mess (even worse during summer), tried to wash my hands before the contest and similar but never worked out, if you are nervous this is a side effect of it at least in my case.

The gloves seems a great tool to fix this issue, I was wondering if with those gloves you have the same sensibility as bare hands and if they fit very very tight without for example little bits out from the tip of the fingers and similar, if they are like a second skin in poor words.

Other than that which ones are the best brands that have them (I see quite many in the market) and if it worth the little investment as I would like to start to participate more and more at contest I think this will be a solution until I get used to the stage :slight_smile:

Also ngl but them look awful as style in my opinion but this is not important :joy:

Thanks a lot!


If you have questions about gloves you should message somebody who actively competes with them like Connor Seals or Hunter Feuerstein. If you send them some questions on Instagram or Discord I bet they’d be happy to answer them.

They both use gloves on stage but post trick circles where they aren’t using gloves, so it seems like they can comfortably play with and without them.