Yoyo Give Away! Details inside.

Copy and paste? Btw Polaris sounds nice.

“sex”? “urea”? “yolk”? Not fooling anyone with that indiscriminate copy/paste. I already snagged Polaris BTW.

Eon, Factor, Fusion, Variable, Horizon, Dogma, Significant, Quesar, Molecule, Infinity, Wave, Asymptote.

Cosmos, big bang, reaction, EleMental, inertia, effect, hypothesis, flux.

i know just looked up science terms

Dah, it would’ve been funny if Jensens new signature was named that.

Noble, Base, Circuit, Decibel, Decimal, Suspend.

Unfortunately we were going to name the Quantum, Polaris but another company already took it!

Love the creativity and laughs :slight_smile: You guys can do better than copy and paste though!! ::slight_smile:

The Empino, Quralsa, Warp hole, worm-hole

Symbiosis, Hertz, Spark, Combustion, Reaction, Evolution.

apollo 11

flux capacitor

Absolute, Abvolt, Volt, Avatar, Beam, Terra, Formula, Terraform.

Ti-22, as titanium on the periodic table its atomic # is 22 and the element symbol is Ti


Event Horizon
Squark (superpartner to quark)
Red Shift
Nuclear Axiom
T.M.T.Y.L. (Take Me To Your Leader)

GARRR!! I was coming here to post that exact thing.

How about …

The Quark

Any of a number of subatomic particles carrying a fractional electric charge, postulated as building blocks of the hadrons.

The Quark is already registered to String Theory.

The Revelation

In celebration of Stargate:

Chevron 7

Lady, hiding gate, explosion