Yoyo Easter Eggs in Stranger Things

I’ve recently been rewatching Stranger Things and remembered that there seems to be an Easter Egg of a yoyo appearing at some point in each season (or at least seasons 1, 2 3, and 4). But I haven’t noticed a yoyo in season 3 2. Did anyone else?
Edit: I was wrong a yoyo appears twice in season 3. I haven’t noticed one in season 2 (yet).

Edit: I also can’t find anybody making reference to this repeat occurrence online so I’m wondering if no one noticed or it’s not intentionally repeated element.

Season 1:

Season 3:

Season 4:


I know the ProYos on the shelves at Joyce’s general store were mentioned somewhere on here, and possibly another call out. Don’t remember anything from Season 3. But you don’t have to ask me twice to rewatch that show.


Idk if it’s in the show but there was a game made by Netflix that has a yoyo as a weapon


I updated the original post with some spoiler-blurred screen shots. And correction, it’s actually season 2 that I’m looking for a spot.